Suitable new companion for 3yr old boar

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 2, 2010
Reaction score
Buckinghamshire, UK
Hi all,

I've started to look around for a suitable companion for my bereaved 3 year old boar. Yossi had lived with another boar of the same age, for his whole life (I'd had them together from 8 wks old). Because of Yossi's age, neutering isn't an option, so I'm looking for another boar. (Unless by some miracle there is a spayed sow available somewhere!)

I understand that there are no guarantees when it comes to bonding, but would I have the best chance of success with a baby boar or an adult boar? I thought a baby boar was most suitable, however a couple of rescues have told me that it'd be better to pair two boars of similar age. Not sure why?

Now I'm really confused about what I should be looking for.

Any ideas please?
Thanks x
You can either bond a baby boar with an adult boar who will usually "daddy" the youngster.

However, if you can find a rescue that is prepared to bond your boy with a suitable adult boar for you, it's worth going down that road - especially if Yossi can choose his new friend. Bonding adult boars needs experience and facilites, as the success depends very much on a compatibility of characters. the advantage of bonding older boars is that you do not have the problem with a youngster going through puberty!

I know that fi. cantillon in Bristol only bonds adult boars, so if you do not mind the trip, it might be worth contacting her - she has probably the best experience of anybody I know of! She is a member on here and very supportive of people who rehome from her. This is the email address of her rescue: [email protected]
There is a rescue in Rugby that has spayed sows.

Contact joanneg111 as she got a pair of spayed sows from them.

I have rehomed 2 sows from Fi in Bristol and she is lovely and good to deal with.
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