

Forum Buddy
Nov 26, 2016
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So stereotypically, the day after I move them downstairs the temp plummets. I know you'd think moving them back upstairs would be an option but it really isn't. It might be 19° downstairs right now but I'm up here with the window ajar on the latch and it's over 23° still. I'm intending to keep them down there and hopefully warm it up for them because that's the easier option.

So. I'll dump a load of hay in there again and I can drape a fleece throw (or a quilt if the tent will hold it) over the end where their beds are but I'm wondering if anyone has other ideas? I could possibly crack the Snugglesafes out too, I'll check on the temp before heading to bed to be sure.

Who ever thought I could miss the single glazing 😅
I'd just do all you've said above if you need to. See how the temperature is when you go to bed and decide then how much they need. I would have thought a fleece over the bed end f the tent will be enough. With the new double glazing the temperature shouldn't drop alarmingly overnight. It's still quite muggy here despite the heavy rain we are getting now, at last!
It's very muggy here, I feel like I'm melting upstairs and I'm wearing as little as I can get away with. I wish I could open the window more but the house is so open plan the colder air would be straight downstairs lol.

They're out and about, or they were the last time I was going downstairs because Cam was waiting for me (to feed his starved belly, of course) and I feel like I should take my cue from them, but I'm always antsy where their room temp's involved.

Hey at least you got your rain! We've had spots of it today but nothing that rivalled yesterday.
I can understand you worrying about them but with plenty of hay and no draft I'm sure they will be okay this time of year. I must admit I worry about my oldies. They have cardboard boxes stuffed with soft hay to sleep in, despite having hair the oldies tend to have temperature control problems.

Water butts are filling nicely and I didn't have to water the garden tonight. I will be able to go away this week feeling more confident the plants will survive. OH is good at looking after the piggies not so sure about the garden in a heatwave!
The problem with hay is that a) Bann clearly doesn't want to stop shoving his face in it to eat and sleep and drive me bonkers and b) as much as I can put in I swear it's as much as they'll eat. I know healthy appetites for hay should be a good thing but I have no idea where they keep putting it, lol.

What this house needs is proper insulation, and the ability to switch just one radiator on at once. The ancient system here means I can't, otherwise I'd have it on for an hour just behind the tent. The thermostat is low enough it'd only make a difference where needed.
Fingers crossed the heating gets an upgrade soon. You never know you got the windows! It's all or nothing here with heating too. I've got one of those oil filled electric radiators I can pop on for the boys if I need too but since we had the new doors and windows we've not needed it.
I had someone in to update the heat certificate (hopefully you know the one I mean because I can't remember what it's called) because the old one had lapsed. That and they were waiting for a grant for a new boiler. The new windows have made a massive difference, but I'd forgotten how nice it was to be able to use just one radiator at once lol.

I know you got your rain, did you get your storm?
No, no storm, it passed us by.

Probably Landlords Gas Safety Certificate. It's supposed to be done every year. Hopefully they get the grant soon, a new boiler should be more economical for you.

I love our new windows. We can actually see out of them, no more green slime and mist between the glass! Only downside is now we have to clean them. :))
It wasn't the gas safety, that one's not due til around July or August. It's the energy performance certificate, you need a specific rating (E, I believe?) before you can have a tenant in a new contract, which I'm not but I can understand the want to renew it. Probably helps with pushing for boiler upgrade grants.

As for the gas safety stuff, every plumber in the housing association employ knows my boiler :)) no you can't check its pressure, please don't poke at it, you might actually break it...nah, I swear that thing's indestructible, and it does keep passing its checks. It suffers on ineffeciency issues but that's all.

I kinda want my storm back. I've not heard thunder like that in the UK before, I wasn't kidding about the bomb comparisons. And the goblins barely batted an eye 🤷‍♂️
I'd forgotten about the energy rating, mine was arranged free by the estate agent who found my tenants so it was painless. They did it again when the tenants moved out and I sold the house as they wanted to speed things up, they had a desperate buyer waiting. They didn't even print the details just made a quick phone call!

I've never heard a bomb thank goodness (hope I never do) but I can imagine how loud it is.
We had fireworks twice last week right overhead, the boys didn't take any notice. The oldies are okay with noise but Bertie was afraid at New Year. I'm hoping he is getting more chilled as he ages.