
Senna & Porridge

New Born Pup
Jul 31, 2023
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Hello, I am a new user on this website. I was worried about my piggies behaviour and was hoping for some advice. I have 2 female guinea pigs, one have been here for a month and is six months and the other for less than a week and ten or eleven months. They have just started the dominance process and I've started to notice that the six month old is hiding more than usual and squeaks/complains when near the eleven/ten month old. I am concerned because I have no idea if she was hurt or something. I should probably mentions that the ten/eleven month old has had three litters of piggies and knows how to discipline others, but the new environment might have her stressed and I am hoping to find some answers soon. If there are any suggestions on the situation, I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out here as these are our first pets and I want them to live long, fulfilling lives.
Behaviour, Bonding & Bereavement Guides

There are some threads in the above guides that will help explain what is going on. Sorry I can't link the relevant individual threads for some strange reason! It sounds like the six month old is submission squeaking. It sounds like they are in pain to us but it is just them saying 'I know you are the boss' to the dominant piggie! It takes them a few weeks (usually 2) to settle.

I am not an expert, I hope one will be along soon. We are a UK based forum so it's a bit late here for many people to be on line.
Hello, I am a new user on this website. I was worried about my piggies behaviour and was hoping for some advice. I have 2 female guinea pigs, one have been here for a month and is six months and the other for less than a week and ten or eleven months. They have just started the dominance process and I've started to notice that the six month old is hiding more than usual and squeaks/complains when near the eleven/ten month old. I am concerned because I have no idea if she was hurt or something. I should probably mentions that the ten/eleven month old has had three litters of piggies and knows how to discipline others, but the new environment might have her stressed and I am hoping to find some answers soon. If there are any suggestions on the situation, I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out here as these are our first pets and I want them to live long, fulfilling lives.


It sounds like submission squeaking and is totally normal for this stage and time in the group establishment process.

You can unfortunately never just take a sound or a behaviour because all guinea pig interaction always has a very strong contextual component that can easily lead to a misinterpretation in a different context.

Please take a look at these links here:
A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours (see especially entries Submission squeaking and Dominance)

Our bonding guide contains several videos and pictures containing dominance behaviours in their correct context: Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Hello and welcome to the forum. I hope your piggies settle down soon. Good luck.

It sounds like submission squeaking and is totally normal for this stage and time in the group establishment process.

You can unfortunately never just take a sound or a behaviour because all guinea pig interaction always has a very strong contextual component that can easily lead to a misinterpretation in a different context.

Please take a look at these links here:
A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours (see especially entries Submission squeaking and Dominance)

Our bonding guide contains several videos and pictures containing dominance behaviours in their correct context: Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Thank you so much for the wonderful links and information! I'm starting to understand things a bit more. I might have been a little unprepared now that I'm seeing all this 😅
Thank you so much for the wonderful links and information! I'm starting to understand things a bit more. I might have been a little unprepared now that I'm seeing all this 😅

Pet ownership is a life-long learning curve. Expecting yourself to know everything beforehand will only set yourself up for failure but not help your piggies; you learn generally much more from what you are doing wrong than from getting everything right all the time because you never see any deeper into what makes things tick. Learning is important as is building up a tolerance for failure and realistic expectations. Life is not about never putting a foot wrong but about getting up, going on and trying not to repeat the same mistakes all over again - that is how we grow as humans. ;)

We have put together an information resource for new owners that deals with all the more common little unforeseeable issues that new owners come up against and with some important things it is really worth getting right straight away. We have also added everything you need to have at hand for any health emergency as they can happen at any time, including during our forum downtime.
It is worth bookmarking the link to our new owners information resource so you have it handy at all times. ;)