Suddenly Solo Guinea - Advice Needed On What To Do For The Best...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 10, 2012
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We have had our two girls, Crumble and Biscuit, for not far off 4 years. Very sadly we lost Crumble around a week ago. Initially, Biscuit seemed ok, but we have noticed over the last few days that she is more quiet that normal, and certainly doesn't seem her usual bossy, boisterous self. She is still eating well, she just seems 'off'.

We would love to get her a new friend, however, the situation has been massively complicated by the timing. For the first (and last) time in the time we have had the girls the guineas have been living at my partner's parents since around May. This has been whilst we were in process of selling and then packing up our flat (they were kept as indoor guineas so needed to go on vacation!). We are currently staying with his parents but are off travelling for 3 months in just under a weeks's time as a once in a lifetime adventure. The guineas will be staying on with the 'in-laws' as such whilst we're away, and we will take charge of them again when we get back.

When we lost Crumble so suddenly we had hoped that Biscuit might manage in her own for the next few months and we would then find a new friend via a rescue when we could be on hand to supervise/coordinate. However I don't think we were quite prepared for how lonely Biscuit would seem. Particularly as she was also very insistent on 'her' personal space within the cage and there was certainly no friendly snuggling allowed! The thought of her by herself for 3 months feeling sad is breaking my heart :-( Partner's mum (who is main caregiver whilst we're away) has also noticed the change and is worried. She has offered to coordinate finding Biscuit a friend if I wanted to get the ball rolling before we leave. However I am aware that a rescue may (quite understandably) be reluctant to let a guinea go to a situation 'in flux' in appearance; we are fully committed to keeping Biscuit and any future pals, or we wouldn't have arranged temporary lodging with family whilst we go away. I really don't want to buy another guinea (would like to give one a home that needs it), and also worried in case I bring home a dominant-minded one....this would not go down well with Miss Biscuit who likes to be queen of all! Particularly unhappy doing this when not around to spend the time introducing/supervising properly myself.

Any thoughts on the best way forward?! It's a bit of a pickle and pressure is on due to the awful timing!
I am really sorry for the loss of Crumble. Please feel free to leave a memorial for her in our Rainbow Bridge Section of the forum.

It is a little bit of a tricky situation isn't it? I am going to tag @Wiebke in? She is very knowledgeable regarding bonding but may not be around for a few days. Perhaps a baby piggy may be better for her, that way you know she will be dominant and the baby will accept being the under piggy for a while at least until they get older...
Just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. It's hard when these things come up in a time of flux. It might not hurt to talk to a couple of rescues to see how flexible they might be in such a case. It is hard when you see their behavior change after a loss... we've twice had to match up the surviving member of a bonded pair and did so fairly quickly because they did seem so distressed (particularly Sundae, who lost her lifelong companion in January and just kept wheeking whenever we were not in sight and wouldn't come out of the cage for free time... she was just so distressed and anxious on her own.) I hope you're able to find a solution that works for everyone.
Hi so sorry for your loss,
I have been in this situation several times in the past

Some pigs take the loss of of a partner pig in there stride , and they ajust to widowhood quite well!

Whilst others for want of a better word ,greave'!

This can start a few days , but in some cases it may not kick in for a wile , but if /when it do,s , it realy
Can be a race against time , as once the decline starts , it can be dificult to reverse , as after a short while the imune systim gets compermisd ,
I would sugest you get another sow from whaterver sorse , (under the cercumstanses it may not be wise to be choosy )
Put them in a devided cage untill the acsept each other

Hope this helps , and the very best wishes with you dilema
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I'm sorry for your loss, maybe try a baby girl from a rescue like sportbilly said so atleast she'd have temporary company while you are away and fingers crossed they would be happy together afterwards too..
Thanks for the replies. I think I am going to phone a local rescue later today and at least ask if there is the possibility of a friend being found for Biscuit in current circumstances... I agree with comments as had thought a young sow was probably most likely to be accepted. Hopefully if I could find a laid back one the status quo wouldn't be too upset when she gets older!
We have had our two girls, Crumble and Biscuit, for not far off 4 years. Very sadly we lost Crumble around a week ago. Initially, Biscuit seemed ok, but we have noticed over the last few days that she is more quiet that normal, and certainly doesn't seem her usual bossy, boisterous self. She is still eating well, she just seems 'off'.

We would love to get her a new friend, however, the situation has been massively complicated by the timing. For the first (and last) time in the time we have had the girls the guineas have been living at my partner's parents since around May. This has been whilst we were in process of selling and then packing up our flat (they were kept as indoor guineas so needed to go on vacation!). We are currently staying with his parents but are off travelling for 3 months in just under a weeks's time as a once in a lifetime adventure. The guineas will be staying on with the 'in-laws' as such whilst we're away, and we will take charge of them again when we get back.

When we lost Crumble so suddenly we had hoped that Biscuit might manage in her own for the next few months and we would then find a new friend via a rescue when we could be on hand to supervise/coordinate. However I don't think we were quite prepared for how lonely Biscuit would seem. Particularly as she was also very insistent on 'her' personal space within the cage and there was certainly no friendly snuggling allowed! The thought of her by herself for 3 months feeling sad is breaking my heart :-( Partner's mum (who is main caregiver whilst we're away) has also noticed the change and is worried. She has offered to coordinate finding Biscuit a friend if I wanted to get the ball rolling before we leave. However I am aware that a rescue may (quite understandably) be reluctant to let a guinea go to a situation 'in flux' in appearance; we are fully committed to keeping Biscuit and any future pals, or we wouldn't have arranged temporary lodging with family whilst we go away. I really don't want to buy another guinea (would like to give one a home that needs it), and also worried in case I bring home a dominant-minded one....this would not go down well with Miss Biscuit who likes to be queen of all! Particularly unhappy doing this when not around to spend the time introducing/supervising properly myself.

Any thoughts on the best way forward?! It's a bit of a pickle and pressure is on due to the awful timing!

I am ever so sorry for your loss; especially as it has happened at such a difficult time! Some guinea pigs can deal better with being on their own than others. Pining can be a real problem and is very upsetting to see for any loving piggy owner.

Maybe you can contact all the rescues within your reach and see whether they have suitable companions in (either sows or neutered boars); perhaps you can also find a solution with them while you are away.
Here is our recommended vets locator. There are a couple of good rescues in Crawley and then Wheek and Squeak near Southampton; Wheek and Squeak also offer boarding, so while it is a longer trip, it may be worth investigating?
Thanks for the replies. Just to update - I called my local rescue who unfortunately are all full up due to boarders until October and so can't do any pairing until then. The lady I spoke to was helpful in that she did reassure that if Biscuit was still eating she would probably be ok in the short term; she said that she would be quieter though as she was one her own (which of course makes sense). Other rescues are a bit far away - whilst I don't mind trekking hours, don't feel I can request it of my 'pig sitters'

She seemed a bit perkier yesterday - we had moved her outdoor run/hutch combo down to the patio area so that she could be nearer people in the day, but yesterday decided to put it back on the lawn. She seemed to quite like being back on the 'edible floor' and was a bit more active and munched a fair bit of grass. We put her back out again for an hour today (before the heavens opened) and she munched a bit but was a bit less active. However, I am a bit concerned that when I put her veggies in tonight and topped up the hay she showed no real interest - a first. I'm hoping perhaps the miserable weather and the fact she no longer has to compete as such for food are the cause. I will be checking what of the veg has gone tomorrow...and am hoping some has or will be panicking!

At the moment, we are hoping she will be ok until we get back, but are going to have a contingency plan for whilst we are away in case she goes downhill.
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