Junior Guinea Pig
We brought our 2 boars home from the rescue centre just over a week ago.
They had originally come from a large group of piggies so the rescue didn't know much about them at all, they for some reason thought they were both around 2...however Barnaby weighs 1kg, and Barlo weighs 600g.
They have been fine, and have been choosing to share things even though they had their own so I thought 'Fab - all is well, they're like brothers!' ... but the past few evenings Barlo (the smaller piggie) has had about 15 minutes of trying to mount/hump Barnaby - chasing him around the cage. Barnaby mostly just runs away, occasionally he defends himself, but he mostly just runs.
My worries are (bear with me - I worry about EVERYTHING!)
1. What if they were never a bonded pair? Does that happen? They had been at the rescue centre since early October and logically I think surely they couldn't have lived together for that long if they weren't?
2. Can they suddenly un-bond?
3. How do I know if/when they need to be separated?
Is it possible that Barlo is a lot younger and is going through an adolescent stage? I just feel so bad for Barnaby. He'll just be there minding his own business and then Barlo comes along disturbing him. Funnily enough Barnaby has tried sleeping outside of a hidey a few times and Barlo comes and bothers him until he goes into the hidey with him to sleep there - yet he's a menace to him!
Any advice? Words of wisdom? Encouragement that all will be ok?
They're in a 2x5 cage, I'd make it bigger but unfortunately that's the biggest we could have in our front room - it's like a feature as it is lol
They had originally come from a large group of piggies so the rescue didn't know much about them at all, they for some reason thought they were both around 2...however Barnaby weighs 1kg, and Barlo weighs 600g.
They have been fine, and have been choosing to share things even though they had their own so I thought 'Fab - all is well, they're like brothers!' ... but the past few evenings Barlo (the smaller piggie) has had about 15 minutes of trying to mount/hump Barnaby - chasing him around the cage. Barnaby mostly just runs away, occasionally he defends himself, but he mostly just runs.
My worries are (bear with me - I worry about EVERYTHING!)
1. What if they were never a bonded pair? Does that happen? They had been at the rescue centre since early October and logically I think surely they couldn't have lived together for that long if they weren't?
2. Can they suddenly un-bond?
3. How do I know if/when they need to be separated?
Is it possible that Barlo is a lot younger and is going through an adolescent stage? I just feel so bad for Barnaby. He'll just be there minding his own business and then Barlo comes along disturbing him. Funnily enough Barnaby has tried sleeping outside of a hidey a few times and Barlo comes and bothers him until he goes into the hidey with him to sleep there - yet he's a menace to him!
Any advice? Words of wisdom? Encouragement that all will be ok?
They're in a 2x5 cage, I'd make it bigger but unfortunately that's the biggest we could have in our front room - it's like a feature as it is lol