Sudden outbursts


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 13, 2019
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Hello all. So, we have 3 pigs, two females and 1 male. The females are Bow and Queen. Bow is 4 and has had a really eventful life. She had a bladder stone about a year ago, and the vet managed to manually remove it. Afterwards, she stopped using her back legs for quite some time and we never thought she would use them again. We got her a pig wheelchair and after some practice with that, she started to walk again within a couple of months. She walks a little weird, like the way she stands is a bit odd, but she can do everything normally. Queen is about 2 1/2, and was rescued from a home where she was a solo pig in a hamster cage and she had never even eaten vegetables before! She was ill-mannered and seemed confused about how to be a guinea pig lol.

Queen and Bow get along though, and Queen really likes to stand by Bow and chooses to lay right by her a lot of the time. Bow seems to be the dominant one of the pair, because Queen backs off of Bow snaps. However, within the past week, Queen has been getting snippy with Bow. Not just that, but she got snippy with the male pig, too. She was trying to hump Bow today, and was chasing her to try to do so. Bow was running away and successfully warded her off each of the 3 times Queen was trying to do this. The other day, with the male pig, Oswald, Queen was making some cranky noises through the cage at Oswald and then she was trying to nip him through the bars of the cage. Oswald just tried to nip back but they couldn't really make much contact because it was through the bars of the cage. Oswald is 6, and has some chronic inflammation problems so he is on metacam long term, but other than that, he is very bold, sociable and not meek at all. He reminds me more of a small dog with his attitude. I mention this because both of the other pigs, Oswald and Bow, are older and have some type of medical history. I don't know if Queen's behavior could be related to her smelling them having these kinds of troubles and perhaps she is interpreting it as illness. Bow and Oswald have both been to the vet within the past 2 months and have a clean bill of health, excluding what I've already mentioned. Behaviorally though, they are totally normal and thriving. Neither of them have acted differently at all lately, just Queen, who has been totally normal except for these little outbursts.

I guess what I am wondering is what this could be about? Queen has been pretty shy, submissive and clueless acting up until this. I wonder if she is just coming out of her shell and being problematic while doing so? Like I said before, she's always been a little strange acting and I think it's because she went about a year of her life not ever seeing another pig and she just didn't know how to act. She's been with us for about a year, and has been in the cage with Bow for about 6 months. Normally they all get along and like each other a lot. It's just very sudden and concerning since she's done it 4 times now, with both of her friends. Just looking for some input or any similar experiences. I read that there were some similar instances on here already but figured I'd give my background info to make the situation as clear as possible.
It's probably just from her past living situation she might settle down eventually.
How long have you had her for?
I see they’ve been together for about six months so it rules out it being a bonding issue, She may just be in season (and if so, it would settle within a couple of days) but if it is a new and consistent change in behaviour a vet check is always a good idea - sudden angry behaviour can sometimes be a sign of pain or discomfort. In a sow who starts to behave hormonally consistently, It can also be a sign of ovarian cysts.
It's probably just from her past living situation she might settle down eventually.
How long have you had her for?
About a year and a half. I wouldn't rule out her having strange behavior due to her lack of socialization but it concerns me that it would seemingly start out of nowhere. That's why I suggested maybe she's gaining confidence and opening up and becoming rambunctious with that.
I see they’ve been together for about six months so it rules out it being a bonding issue, She may just be in season (and if so, it would settle within a couple of days) but if it is a new and consistent change in behaviour a vet check is always a good idea - sudden angry behaviour can sometimes be a sign of pain or discomfort. In a sow who starts to behave hormonally consistently, It can also be a sign of ovarian cysts.
Thank you! I'm hoping she stops with it soon. It's been over the course of 3 days, 4 outbursts, and it isn't too consistent. It would be great if she is "in season" and nothing more.
About a year and a half. I wouldn't rule out her having strange behavior due to her lack of socialization but it concerns me that it would seemingly start out of nowhere. That's why I suggested maybe she's gaining confidence and opening up and becoming rambunctious with that.
Yeah it took one of our guinea pigs about a year and a half to come out of herself. She was always very shy and easily scared and then out of nowhere she became super friendly and curious. So she might just be coming out of her shell a bit but a trip to the vet wouldn't do any harm,
and I hope everything goes well for you and your guinea pigs
See how things go. If she is in season it will settle quickly. Checking medical issues always needs to come before looking to behavioural issues.
A vet check is always a good plan if you are concerned. I am not qualified to say what it is, but on a personal note, my Annie suddenly started being quite aggressive to her companion (a sow) and would try to hump her. I then noticed she was losing the fur on her rear end so I took her to the vet and it was ovarian cysts. After a course of injections she has returned to her normal self and has been for 8 months.
Hope you manage to find a solution.