Sudden nipping


New Born Pup
Jun 5, 2024
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
Hi all

So my house has been upside down for a number of weeks due to renovating one of the upstairs bedrooms. Since then, my Eddie Pig hasn’t been himself at all.

I totally understand this of course, what with all the new smells, sounds of hammering and drilling, new people like builders coming in and out etc, as well him not being able to have his usual play area. What I am concerned about however is an increase in nipping.

I’m wondering if this is related to the stress he’s felt with the house being all over the place. That being said there are specific circumstances when he will nip, and I’m wondering if he’s in pain.

He is 9 months old, eating, drinking and pooping fine. He’s still putting on weight and not losing anything. He’s also still doing popcorns and zooming in his cage when he can be bothered (he’s lazy!). It’s when I’m trying to touch him in certain areas that he has a go.

I should say here that I have recently been trying to increase his tolerance to handling by giving him extra lap time with treats so I’m wondering if this is the problem and he’s trying to tell me no, I hate this, please stop, which is why he nips when I’m touching him in his cage because he thinks I’m trying to catch him.

Hope this all makes sense and sorry for the rant, just a worried pig mum!

The link above may help you. If he were mine I would weigh him daily to make sure he is not losing any weight which is a good indicator of illness. If in any doubt about his health do take him to a piggy savvy vet in case he is in pain.