Sudden Fear Of Ramp

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Pippy & Daisy

Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hi everyone.

Yesterday it was the first warm day we've had in a while so while the girls were out for floor time we decided to give the hutch a full clean out - as in the hutch itself, not just the bedding. When the girls came back in the ramp must have been a bit damp still because both of them slipped a bit as they ran up. Neither of them fell, they both just lost their footing a bit. Daisy wasn't bothered and hasn't had trouble going up or down since then. But Pippy has refused to go up or down. I'm not sure if it's because of her slip or if there's something else bothering her but it took until late this afternoon (almost 24 hours since they'd been back in there) until she would even go near the top of the ramp and she still won't go up or down. Last night she wouldn't come down for food and at first I thought she was sick, but she's more than happy to eat, she just won't come down the ramp for it. I put her downstairs and she moves around down there and showed a bit of interest in the ramp, but wouldn't go up. So earlier this afternoon I put her back up there and put some food on the ramp for her but she still won't go down. She gets there and then seems to freak out and run back into the little bedroom area. And now she seems to be trying to block Daisy from getting past her to go down the ramp. But that might just be her being stubborn.

Is this normal? I don't know if it was the slip that scared her or if it was the smell of vinegar from cleaning (which I can't smell at all but maybe she can) or if there was something else. I checked through the hay and there's nothing out of the ordinary. When we first got them it took a few days before they'd use the ramp but since then there's never been a problem, and that was over a year ago. I wondered at first if she was having trouble seeing all of a sudden or if she'd hurt her legs but she stands up for food and is responsive so I really think it's just fear. But she's usually not really skittish at all so I don't know where this has come from.

Is there anything I can do other than luring her with food? I was hoping she'd be encouraged by Daisy using it but she doesn't seem to be. I don't imagine taking her to the vets would be any use because she's not acting weirdly in any way except with the ramp. I'm going to put her downstairs again tonight where the bigger water bottle is and there's more hay and the pellets are. But I obviously can't keep doing it for her. How long would it take for her to get her confidence back?

hey, that's a weird one....

it is good news she is walking okay, ruling out injury is the main thing obviously as you have done.

She is either still spooked or possibly the smell of the vinegar... piggies like most animals smell things quite sensitively. How do they normally re-act after hutch spraying?

I have known our piggies spooked for hours sometimes so there is no real way of knowing if she is spooked how long it may last.. Hoping she gets back to normal soon

It's possible that the slip really freaked her out... some pigs are more anxious about things than others. One of mine, Sundae, is a really anxious pig. Once I accidentally kicked her when she darted in front of my foot during free time. Although it wasn't enough to hurt her, fortunately, it obviously scared the crap out of her, and she would NOT come out of the cage when I was in the area for a good week or so before she gradually worked up her courage again.
She's still too scared to use the ramp :(

Usually the smell of vinegar doesn't bother them, but usually there isn't as much used so I guess it might be a bit strong. I am thinking along the lines of the slip freaking her a bit though. Although I have noticed her being a bit cautious in the hay - she'll sniff around in it before she's willing to play with it or eat it so I wondered if there was something in there she didn't like but she's been fine with the hay today.

She's out in the playpen at the moment and is running around like normal. The hutch has been cleaned out so hopefully that might help once she goes back in. If she is spooked by her fall hopefully she'll forget when she goes into a nice clean hutch!

Freela, that sounds like how Pippy is acting - although she's usually the calmer one! Did you do anything different to help her get her courage back or did she just gradually relax again?
UPDATE: Cleaned out the hutch and put her back in and after about half an hour she ran up the ramp! I'm going to put a bit of food downstairs in a while to make sure she's also happy to go down the ramp but I'm letting her settle upstairs for now. I think she's pretty pleased with herself ;) still not sure what scared her but it seems to be fixed now. So proud of her!
UPDATE: Cleaned out the hutch and put her back in and after about half an hour she ran up the ramp! I'm going to put a bit of food downstairs in a while to make sure she's also happy to go down the ramp but I'm letting her settle upstairs for now. I think she's pretty pleased with herself ;) still not sure what scared her but it seems to be fixed now. So proud of her!

Brilliant news :) I actually thought about her today when I had to go upstairs at work :)) She popped into my head. Glad the ramp is now usable - aren't they strange little things at times.
:D Aaaww, poor little mite! Glad she has overcome her fear now. I don't have any long ramps where my piggies live, just the ramps made by the doors of the Trixie huts/houses which are only about 7 inches long. Even so, the girls often slip off the side of them, and Bonnie once hurt her back leg in so doing - I assume! So I have pinned a bit of fleece to all the door ramps to help them get a grip.:tu:
She's still too scared to use the ramp :(

Usually the smell of vinegar doesn't bother them, but usually there isn't as much used so I guess it might be a bit strong. I am thinking along the lines of the slip freaking her a bit though. Although I have noticed her being a bit cautious in the hay - she'll sniff around in it before she's willing to play with it or eat it so I wondered if there was something in there she didn't like but she's been fine with the hay today.

She's out in the playpen at the moment and is running around like normal. The hutch has been cleaned out so hopefully that might help once she goes back in. If she is spooked by her fall hopefully she'll forget when she goes into a nice clean hutch!

Freela, that sounds like how Pippy is acting - although she's usually the calmer one! Did you do anything different to help her get her courage back or did she just gradually relax again?
I'm glad she's settled down and is using the ramp again! I've learned that there's not a whole lot we can when Sundae is anxious about something... she's a bit of a worrier about things. Gradually she will relax again. However, I think it's just part of her makeup... she still gets stressed out when I clean the cage, and this is something that we have been doing weekly for her entire life (and she's almost 5.5 years now, so not a young pig.) Apparently she is always just going to hover, try to sneak back in while I'm cleaning, and need to get chased out so I can clean!
Thanks everyone and sorry for the late reply! She is back to using the ramp without a problem; it took a couple of days before she's go up or down without hesitating but now she's back to being herself :)
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