sudden change in behaviour (its long sorry)

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2011
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so I'm looking for soem advice please

i have two boars who have lived togther for almost 2 years. i got them when i moved into my house June 2011 and I'm afraid to say they came from p@h, (ihave since joined you and wont b making that mistake again) they lived happily with me in a hutch in the garden untill December when i had to move out. They moved in with my mum and sister as i moved in with the in-laws and F-I-L is alergic to their hair :( they moved into mums conservatory but still in the cage and everything and i visited them every week. They got more handling at mums with them coming out for lap feeding at least ince a day.
with the weather gtting nicer they have gotten a few hours in the run in the garden every evening when my sister gets back from school. they have always gotten on, Charlie is the bigger of the two and always seemed the boss, he is a chilled out kinda guy and rarely gets phased by anything however Alfie is smaller and very skittish, always folllowing charlie and letting him take the lead

but all this has changed in the last week, alfie has suddenly turned into a rnady littl git. he keeps wanting to hump charlie, he makes this funny nosie and vibrates, stalks towaeds charlie sniffs his butt and trys it on. charlie then turns around and snaps at him, sometimes this turns into them squaring up to eachother teeth chattering and rearing up. on friday night they had a fight which resulted in aflie having a split ear and a chunk missing. visted the vet on saturday morning just to have it checked, good news all fine but she suggested maybe neutring might help calm him down, but reading in here suggests otherwise?

they have been seperated in their cage ever since with one upstairs and one downstairs. have tired a binding bath with floor time as they were drying which seemed ok but as soon as they were back in the cage they started squabbling agian, so seperated again. mum says they are fine when they are eating or just sitting next to eachother but as soon as you let them run around they are fighting. have tried having them in sepertae cages next to each other and although it doesnt seem to b phasing charlie, alfie spends the ages running up and down the cage squeeking looking for charlie, he doesnt like being away from him but wont stop trying to hump him when they are together. i went over today and reintroced them slowely and apart from a few rumbles and squaring up they sort of lost interest half way thro and went back to eating. they seemed fine by the time i left. have however since had a call from mum who says alfie wouldnt eat much of his tea and charlie seems to be chattering his teeth and just snapping at aflie for just beening there. i dont know what to do :(
just hoping somebody might have some advice and any ideas on what i could do to help my boys, alfie just cuts such a lonely little figure when he is on his own, charlie is just so laid back he doesnt care.

this is one stressed out slave :(
Oh you poor thing. What a worry they are causing! I personally would separate them as the injury to Alfie's ear sounds quite bad. I do understand they need company. Neutering would not change their behaviour but may help if you wanted to try them as pairs with sows. I do realise this is not ideal for you. I hope somebody will have some more advice for you.
Ok I'm going to get rocketed for this but I had my boy Spike neutered for the same problem and it did work. HOWEVER I was very lucky, and it doesn't' work in all cases. Have a look at my thread asking a similiar question. It might be worth having them neutered anyhow so you can try what piggyfan suggests, if the neutering doesn't help them as a pair you then have the option of wives for them instead. At least then you haven't put them through an op for no good reason. I'm actually off to the vets this aft regarding the same problem and I am going to do just as I've suggested. One of my boys is already 'done' so I am going to get the other neutered. If they still won't play nice, I will get them both a girlfriend. This way I'm not subjecting him to an op without making good use of it.
Good luck and let me know how you get on xx
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