Sudden Aggression


New Born Pup
Oct 24, 2022
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I've got 5 female guinea pigs. They occasionally will have spats. Recently this aggression has spiked up from one of my girls. She very suddenly turned and has chased the others round their cage mounting and teeth chattering. I've added more water bottles. Feed in separate places. This has made no difference. The aggression is worse at night and I've had to physically separate the guinea pig who started this from the others. Any advice would be appreciated :)

A few questions -

How big is their cage?
Do all hides have two exits?
and importantly, how old are they all?

if she is around four months of age, the it can be teenage hormones. The teens last from 4 to 14 months of age.
If she is over two years of age, then it would be a good idea to have her checked ovarian cysts.

If she isn’t really old enough for ovarian cysts, then any sudden change in behaviour should be checked by a vet as there may be an underlying medical cause (pain etc)

Is there one of the other piggies she gets on with? If so, it would be better to split the herd into a pair and a trio so that she isn’t alone.

Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)
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