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Sudafed Dosage for Guinea pigs


New Born Pup
Nov 27, 2020
Reaction score
Hi, I have a guinea pig named Cardamom who lives with her son Cinnamon. They are both fixed. She is very active and is running around as it type this. I have determined that poor Cardamom has allergies to hay dust. I switched from timmothy to orchard grass. This stopped her hooting for a while, but she has had a few flare ups recently. I read on their forum you can give them some Sudafed to ease allergies. I just need to know the dosage as it can’t find it anywhere. Thanks so much for any suggestions/help.
I note you say ‘you determined’ she has allergies. I’m afraid that you cannot determine this - a vet must clear her of a potential respiratory infection first. Please have her seen by a vet. Please do not give your guinea pig any home medication.
I’m afraid we cannot give any advice on dosage of medications. I don’t know which forum recommends home treating with Sudafed but I know it’s not this one. Our forum stance is that only a qualified vet can diagnose and prescribe. Please ask a vet to examine her to find out the cause of her problem
Hi! Just a quick update. Took her to the vet. The vet didn’t really find anything but gave us antibiotics just Incase! Thanks so much for all help and advice.
Good news, the antibiotics will sorted out any sniffles, hope little Cardamom is better soon x