Successful Outdoor Bedding Advice Pls

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New pig mum

Junior Guinea Pig
May 8, 2015
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hello, we have just moved our boys outside, the bedding etc seems to be costing a fortune.We have placed towel and newspaper in bedroom area (and lots of hay) with rest of hutch covered in wood shavings and recycled paper pellets, additional newspaper where they tend to wee.The cage has a removable tray bottom to top floor which is plastic lined.Do we need to continue with covering all areas with all products or is there a more effective and economical method as we are cleaning out twice a week and going through bags of products?
It would be useful to have your location if you can add this to your profile as we have membes all over the world ( County and country will be OK). ? Would you be happy to add your location to your profile? Are you in the UK ?

If so , this is a good thread.

If I were you, I'd look at a bedding that you can buy in bulk such as Fitch, Aubiose or Snowflake.

I thnk the most cost effective would be Aubiose. I can buy mine locally from a local equine suppliers - which cuts out delivery costs. I know it is sold in Kennelgate pet shops too if there is one local to you.
Towel and newspaper isn't ideal under the hay as it holds moisture.People put fleece on top cos it wicks away the moisture.Bulk buying would be cost effective as stated above.Aubiose is pretty cheap
What do you suggest for the other living areas of the hutch, does it all need still to have Aubiose, do I use that alone ?
I cover the hutch in a thick layer of aubiose with meadow hay in the sleeping area and if it is cold then hay ontop too.
The only. Reason I use newspaper is because my hutch has tiny gaps at the bottom towards the side and my parents refuse to buy a new one!
you can use Aubiose in the whole hutch . I find it is a bit "prickly" - but I find it is fantastic at absorbing urine and odours. I use Aubiose in their hay trays, in the corners and edges of the hutch and then put either fleece or fitch in the areas where the tend to lie down .
Only downsides of aubiose is peppers and anything watery turn into a big aubiose covered ball!
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