Successful bonding!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
Thetford, Norfolk
ok, touch wood i have successfully bonded Pancake (4 year old sow) and Dexter (neutered boar) and so far so good!
we had a bit of mounting from dexter last night however pancake looked at him as if to say "um, excuse me but can you stop jumping all over my face" after a few hours on the floor playing together we decided to see how they would get on in a fresh cage (ferplast 150) and it was love at first sight (well actually, i think dexter loves pancake however pancake just tolerates dexter!)

went down this morning and they were cuddled up in the beds and both screamed at me for some brekkie!

was soooo nervous about doing it but feels awesome to have them together especially after the traumatic time dexter has after the neutering
Whoop whoop, that's brilliant news - this bonding game is not easy unless it works :))
It's that heart stopping moment when the piggies first meet and suss each other out - we have just had our girls' huspig join the family and believe me, the girls are right Diva's so I was freaking out.
They loved him though and after the initial booty sniffing, rumbling etc. have allowed him into their harem - he's tried strutting his stuff in there but they put him into his place so maybe his King Pig title won't happen ;)
After previous failed bondings, I said I'd never ever attempt introducing another piggy but this has proved that it can be done even with the most Diva-ish of piggies :(|)
It's great your piggies have found each other, hope they have a lovely time getting to know each other and any issues are over who gets the biggest pieces of veggies x)
I got the same feeling from my girl and n/boar.. he loved her but she tolerated him! haha. Even when you seperate them he calls for her but she never seems fussed if he's away. When we go to the vets she prefers to go solo but he prefers to come with isntead of being left at home on his own! Cute little champ.
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