Submissive chasing dominant?


Adult Guinea Pig
May 18, 2024
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
Today after work I refilled their hay and Chez (submissive) chased after Stripe three times around the cage. This caused Stripe to rumble but he still ran away from Chez. Then Chez decided to eat the hay and Stripe rumbled and Chez gave a submissive squeal.

Should I be worried he's challenging the dominance? He's coming up to his 4 month birthday in a few weeks.
It may just be a bit of hormones and never result in an actual hierarchy challenge. Keep an eye but don’t worry unless a fight actually happens
I'll keep an eye on it.

He was chasing him again during spot cleaning. It looked like he was trying to get on top of him and he rubbed his chin on Stripe's back.
Stripe wasn't even rumbling and Chez lunged at him then made submissive sounds. I have to work 10 hours today I'm so nervous they're going to have a fight.
Gus has the tendency to have these sort of dominant moments towards Walter, it’s like it comes on in spurts, fortunately Walter doesn’t retaliate too much. Try not to worry, hopefully they’ll settle down again! Easier said than done I know though