Stupid people!

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 25, 2011
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I have been searching for a 120cm cage ready for when my two girls move in together, and I'm just fed up of seeing 'XXL guinea pig cages' for sale, clicking on them and them only being 80cm/100cm, how can they be allowed to sell that!
People will buy them thinking its suitable to keep 2+ piggies in, arrrghhh!

I hate people who are so money thirsty they don't care about the welfare of the animals their products may be affecting!

Rant over :))

I know this is slightly off your point but I was horrified today when I was looking on Preloved for hutches. Someone had posted that they desperately needed a free hutch as they had bought 3 small rabbits and had been told they would stay small, but now they won't "fit in the hutch". Who the heck sold them 3 rabbits and a tiny hutch?! And who are these stupid people who don't bother to research before buying (3!) pets? :0

Also I have been going into my local pet shop a lot whilst doing my research and there had been two gorgeous chocolate brown guinea pigs, and now there is only one in the corner looking sad so they must have just let someone come and buy his friend. I feel so sorry for them.
I was at a car boot sale at the weekend and heard someone enquiring about a smallish hamster cage, she wanted it for her daughters guinea pigs over the winter! I very loudly said something but she and the stallholder pretended not to hear. Poor piggies if she did buy it in the end :( Why can't people see that these cages are far too small, makes me sick.
The ignorance of some people is intolerable! grrrr

Poor piggies :(
I sympathise!

I have had the same problem. I am going to have to bring my boys indoors this winter (especially if its as cold as last year) as I no longer have an outbuilding to move their hutch to.

The amount of times I have looked at a cage only to see its less than 100cm. I think my two would kill each other in there!

I think my only option is to make a 4ft C&C cage but add an extra level or perhaps ask my very lovely carpenter friend to knock me something up!
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