Struggling With Sounds

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 15, 2015
Reaction score
Brecon Beacons, UK
so I have listened to various piggie sounds on YouTube and struggling to tell the difference ! We got a mother and daughter on Monday eve. They came out for cuddles and into the run for the first time today so I could clean their cage etc. Since going back in they have gone back to square one in terms of being timid. It's also the first day my kids have been home. I'm pretty sure we've had a few wheeks from daughter yesterday And I have heard her running about but mum hasn't emerged at all from what I can see (based on only seeing mini poos in the cage, no mummy sized ones) I have heard a few squeaks from them but I can't tell if it's friendly. Would a mum and daughter fall out if stressed? Should I be concerned? I will give them a few days off from being handled now. Is that the right approach? This is more stressful than bringing new born baby!
If you've only had them a few days then don't worry at all. They will be a little stressed, they are getting used to new people, a new space and new smells/sounds. Guinea pigs are shy animals and take time to settle. They are naturally wary as they are prey animals so they will settle given time. I am sure they are coming out to eat and drink when you are not around.

To bond with them, spend time and sit by their cage and talk to them quietly so they get used to the sound of your voices and tempt them to come to you with bits fo food. It won't happen immediately, it takes patience but it will build their confidence around you. For picking them up try herding them into a cosy or cardboard tube so they feel safe. Having lap time and cuddles in a cosy can also make them feel safer. Bribes of food to enjoy whilst they are having cuddles are good too.

Have a look at this these for more information:
How To Pick Up Your Guinea Pig
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
Try this link for sounds:
Guinea Pig Sounds
Please don't worry! Easier said than done I know. Some piggies are talkative and some barely make a peep. Your new guinea pigs are trying hard to adjust to their new sights, smells, sounds etc. As MerryPip has given you the necessary links I would just say to relax and let your piggies settle in. My foster piggies are all encouraged to walk into an open fronted carrier placed in one corner of the C&C, with tempting pieces of cucumber to lure them inside. I then pop the front onto the carrier and lift them out. If you very, very gently remove all other hideys they will make a beeline for the security of the carrier. A cardboard box lined with a blanket works just as well. Good luck and just relax. Once your piggies learn to trust you they will soon come running to greet you, it just takes time.:)
Thanks folks! I have read both those links but I am just second guessing myself (lifetime habit)! This is all new to me. I work from home so they should be getting used to my presence but I think the combo of kids at home and first time being picked up as thrown us all. Saying that topsy didn't run when I picked her up to go back in the cage, just let me and she wheeked when my daughter got back from climbing club.... I think! As I said, not sure on sounds still! Waffling now so going to stop....!
so I have listened to various piggie sounds on YouTube and struggling to tell the difference ! We got a mother and daughter on Monday eve. They came out for cuddles and into the run for the first time today so I could clean their cage etc. Since going back in they have gone back to square one in terms of being timid. It's also the first day my kids have been home. I'm pretty sure we've had a few wheeks from daughter yesterday And I have heard her running about but mum hasn't emerged at all from what I can see (based on only seeing mini poos in the cage, no mummy sized ones) I have heard a few squeaks from them but I can't tell if it's friendly. Would a mum and daughter fall out if stressed? Should I be concerned? I will give them a few days off from being handled now. Is that the right approach? This is more stressful than bringing new born baby!

Please don't worry! Things will settle down once your piggies have got their bearings and have resettled their hierarchy in their new home; they are not going to fall out. What you are witnessing is just normal dominance. Just give them time - guinea pigs are prey animals and still have those instincts.
Guinea pig sounds are often very similar; you often have to interpret them together with body language and situational context , which is the reason why we do not have a guide. However, as you get to know them, you will learn to understand. Youtube can be very confusing, especially as there is quite a number of wrongly interpreted "guides" around.
You may find these links here helpful:
" Starter Kit" Of Information Threads For New Owners (contains information on settling in new guinea pigs as well as behaviour guides that help you to understand what is going on and what you can do)
This link here has a correct interpretation of sounds: Guinea Pig Sounds
Thanks all, both piggies have been out much more today although I am still not sure on their sounds I am sure I will get there! We had a manic 2 min popcorning session earlier with Topsy bombing about like a mad thing. She talks to herself loads to - a really quiet little squeak to herself as she is pottering around - she is like my daughter who is never quiet either! I have noticed a noise best described as the cooing noise a pigeon makes a few times which my research suggests is a contented sound. They are snuggled up together sleeping at the moment and I can hear it coming from their hidey so I am assuming they are having a nap together - based on the fact I can't hear Topsy chatting to herself I am assuming she is asleep!
Loving this!
I love their noises. I love the little chunter they make to themselves as they go about 'piggy business'
The little squeaks continued whilst she sat on my daughters lap munching a piece of pepper yesterday evening! Missy wasn't interested in the pepper but did lie down on her side rather than staying in the standing hunched position so I am taking that as a positive!
Learning each individual piggy's noises is always a delight. I love that you can recognise the difference between their voices already. Piggies have a really expressive vocabulary and it's so much fun getting to know them x
It sounds like they are doing fine. They are skittish when they first come home and may be overwhelmed with a first time in the run and more people around. Some pigs are quieter or noisier than others. Over time you will learn more about what individual noises from specific pigs mean.
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