Struggling With My Male Guinea Pigs behavior

Feb 9, 2023
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Hello There! I’m Annie, I’ve been a Guinea Pig Mom since 2017. My Guinea Pig Story is a long one, been much heartache but so much love. I suffer with severe depression and anxiety, and they’re kind of emotional support for me. The only “therapy” that’s every helped me. To be able to love and care for them, gives me a feeling of purpose.
I’ve had 9 piggies in my time. I’ve typed quite a few paragraphs here, but I feel it’s best to give as much details and context I can. So In June of last year, (2022) I got my first boy piggy, Furrn. Full name Furrnando. Furrn, from the moment we met, We had a special connection. He actually had at least one marking that each of my girls who had passed away before he was born had, making him even extra special. For many months, he was my best friend. One of the sweetest creatures I’d ever met. So cuddly, so affectionate. He still is my best friend, but the reason I’m writing this is ever since puberty really hit, it changed his behavior. He had been going through puberty the whole time I had him, according to my research. But at about 8 months old, if I am doing the math right, (knowing me probably not but hay) basically since October. I did a bunch of research and couldn’t find it happening to anyone else, so I was worried he wasn’t feeling well so we went to the vet. The Vet knows us well, seen many piggy’s of ours and knows the story. So, she did a full exam on him, I explained what had been going on and she suggested getting him neutered in hopes of having a longer happy healthy life, and Living with Daisy my female piggy at the time (she passed unexpectedly in December, she was almost four. I miss her so much) and that while it might not change his behavior, there’s a chance it could help. I just felt he didn’t seem as happy as he previously had, and I just want them to be happy and healthy. These are my babies.

So we got him neutered and it went very well. However, his behavior didn’t change, but that’s what I sort of expected. My Sweet Boy has been through a lot. After Daisy passed away, we didn’t get to introduce them yet but they lived side by side, and they got along very well. He seemed sad, knowing piggies are social animals, and just wanting to share more love in my heart, we got him a friend, Gloria. Sweet Gloria was a Skinny Pig, my first one. I had always wanted to be a skinny pig mom. We introduced them and they got along very well.

Well, We Found Gloria passed away a day after having her for two weeks, I don’t know why, I’ve beaten myself up about it so much. This is so recent that it’s hard to talk about, but I feel it’s important and could play a part in all this behavior still happening. it completely shattered me, losing many human and animal loved ones, especially two weeks apart. Furrn was very gentle with me that Day, sweet boy had a fountain of tears on his fur from me but he didn’t seem to mind. It’s moments like those that make me realize he’s still there, he’s one of the most special piggies ever and so I can’t find any explanation for

We Got him another Friend, Sweet Winnie! She’s so precious, she’s growing up very fast. She’s brought both Furrn and I a lot of joy and light in the dark, and I’m just so thankful. She and Furrn are very close, they’ve been together a month now. There will be moments when Furrn “rumble struts” you know, the teeth chattering dominance dance. But they work it out, and they even sleep next to each other sometimes. It’s adorable.

Basically all this to say, Furrn is so so special to me, my family, friends, especially me of course. This behavior is upsetting because I miss those cuddles but more than anything, I want him to be happy. That more than anything. There are so many pictures of him and I, he looks like he’s literally smiling. So much brightness and love in his eyes. It lamaots like some of that’s gone, hopefully temporarily. I can’t tell you how much that sweet boy means to me, He’s like my baby boy, he always will be even with this teen angst of his. I’m a teenager myself, so it’s not always easy for sure. I have empathy for my mom!

In all seriousness though, I have searched and searched for answers/tips and am desperate but can’t find any and am hoping that someone could have some ideas or something. I’ve read they calm down a lot by their time they are one? Is this true?

Thank You so much in advance, and thank you for reading all this. Peace, Love, and God Bless, Lots of love to everyone and your beautiful piggies from Winnie, Furrn, and I. :)

P.S. Hopefully he will get over this angst soon, and I’ll be able to share some pictures with you all. This forum is a wonderful thing. Anyways, Thank You.
Here’s Some of My Favorite Pictures of Furrn, and I am in some as well, to really show you how bonded we are. The Last pictures are from the moment I brought him home. ❤️


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Since it didn’t let me edit the post, the last ones on this are the ones from the Day I brought him home.


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Welcome to the forum

I’m sorry for the losses of your other pigs.

The behaviours you are seeing from him now are very normal boar behaviours.
He is going to display the dominance behaviours all his life - it’s just how they are and how they interact. They are teenagers from 4-14 months of age but hormones don’t just suddenly stop and even when things even out for him hormonally, he will still display full dominance behaviours - my five year old boar pair still muster the energy for a rumble and chase every now and then! Boars do mellow as they age and can become more affectionate but it’s when testosterone fizzles out, towards old age.
If he was not living with another piggy when he was younger (you mention he was living side by side with Daisy), then him being cuddly etc may have been because he didn’t live with another piggy, he transferred his needs onto you because he didn’t have a live-in friend.
Boars are absolutely brilliant, such funny characters. I have four boars myself - two are 5 years old and two are teenagers.

The guide below detail boar behaviour.

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
I think boars wear their hearts on their sleeves. The sows can be shy, the boars let you know what they are feeling! I think it's great to celebrate every stage of their lives - just like my own teenage kids. They are not sweet little things any more but they are becoming the grown-ups they are meant to be. He's becoming the boarly boar he was meant to be!

Usually boars and sows will get on but it doesn't happen all the time. I had one girl who hated my old boy and attacked him! But rumble-strutting is quite normal and we joke that our George (the black one) 'revs-up' in his snuggle-tunnel like a little musical motorbike before emerging and rumbling across to the grass pile. He likes to let everyone know he's on his way to claim the grass pile!
George claims the grass.webp
Welcome to the forum

I’m sorry for the losses of your other pigs.

The behaviours you are seeing from him now are very normal boar behaviours.
He is going to display the dominance behaviours all his life - it’s just how they are and how they interact. They are teenagers from 4-14 months of age but hormones don’t just suddenly stop and even when things even out for him hormonally, he will still display full dominance behaviours - my five year old boar pair still muster the energy for a rumble and chase every now and then! Boars do mellow as they age and can become more affectionate but it’s when testosterone fizzles out, towards old age.
If he was not living with another piggy when he was younger (you mention he was living side by side with Daisy), then him being cuddly etc may have been because he didn’t live with another piggy, he transferred his needs onto you because he didn’t have a live-in friend.
Boars are absolutely brilliant, such funny characters. I have four boars myself - two are 5 years old and two are teenagers.

The guide below detail boar behaviour.

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Thank you so much for this! I appreciate it, Very helpful. Lots of love to you and your piggies!
I think boars wear their hearts on their sleeves. The sows can be shy, the boars let you know what they are feeling! I think it's great to celebrate every stage of their lives - just like my own teenage kids. They are not sweet little things any more but they are becoming the grown-ups they are meant to be. He's becoming the boarly boar he was meant to be!

Usually boars and sows will get on but it doesn't happen all the time. I had one girl who hated my old boy and attacked him! But rumble-strutting is quite normal and we joke that our George (the black one) 'revs-up' in his snuggle-tunnel like a little musical motorbike before emerging and rumbling across to the grass pile. He likes to let everyone know he's on his way to claim the grass pile!
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Thank you and well said! Your piggies are such cuties, George sounds like quite the character! 😂❤️