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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 19, 2020
Reaction score
Fairview, TN
My Guinea pig recently has started not coming out of her house not even for food she squeals when she’s moved and she just walks in circles when on the floor I don’t know what to do I don’t wanna lose her
I don't know anything about guinea pig health, but a loss of appetite and unusual behavior are bad signs. Please see a vet as soon as you can. I hope she's alright.
I’m sorry your piggy is unwell. I agree a vet visit is needed to diagnose the problem and start the correct treatment as soon as possible. Good luck. ❤️
I’m so sorry to hear this.
Please see a vet urgently.

Step in with syringe feeding a recovery feed or mushed pellets urgently.
Switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh her every morning so you can monitor the amount of syringe feed she is getting to ensure she doesn’t lose weight.

The emergency and other guides below will help further

I hope she is ok. Let us know how things go at the vet

I’m so sorry it wasn’t better news. Have you brought her back home or have you helped her over the bridge?
I have brought her home I know it’s selfish but I don’t know how to let go of her

I’m so sorry. Sending you massive hugs. 🤗

Is she eating for herself at all?
Did they give you any medication at all?
What did the vet say about taking her home?

A couple of years ago I had to have my 16.5 year old Border Terrier put to sleep. He had a brain tumour so wasn’t going to get better. It was the hardest thing I have ever done but I know it was done for the right reasons. I gave him a wonderful life full of love every day and wanted to give him a pain free end.

I know it’s hard but I know you wouldn’t want her to suffer. Give her lots of love and kisses today then let her go. ❤️
Yeah she’s eating a little by herself and she’s walking about more.
Not that I know if I didn’t get to take her I was working.
That taking her home is one of the best things to do because she has a little sibling who needs her. We’ve already lost a bonded pair to heartbreak.
As she’s walking more and eating a bit for herself then I’d give her a few days of syringe feeding to see if she can recover.
