Stressed out!

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Hi all! I am new to the forum and I am very impressed with the advice given.

Therefore I was hopfully looking for some help regarding my two boars, eddie and kev. They are not litter mates but I got them both at the same time, they are aged 2 and a half months. They both had mites at the beginning and one was very sick with a respitory infection so were seperated from each other for approx 3 weeks when I brought them home. I took the advice for introducing them but the battle for dominace is still going on. Eddie got a nip on the nose and there was some serious threat of fighting. I can't bring myself to leave them on their on in a cage now in case some serious damage is done.
I divided the cage but this didn't provide enough space for each pig. I purchased another cage and they are now seperated. During floor time I have to supervise but they seem so so happy to be with one another one min but then square up to each other for a fight the next min. I really do not want to have them living in cages on their own as it's so sad to see them so lonely. Should I keep trying...does it takes months for them to decide who is the boss. No one is backing down! Sorry for long post but I am very stressed out about this. :( I would be very thankful so some information.
Hey welcome to the forum... have you tried giving them a bath together? I did this with my male and female and it worked... They both smell the same so no-one can fight for their teritory because its a neutral smell... hope this makes sence!

Bye xx
Have you tried giving them floor time somewhere neither has been before (I find my bathroom good for this sort of thing!). If they are coming out together in the same place everyday they probably now both think of it as their territory. Have you looked at Barmy4Boars website ? It has loads of great advice for boar pairings.

Welcome to the forum!
welcome tot ehf orum and well done of getting 2 ill piggys well again,
bonding can take a while and need patience and time keep attempting to mix them ie floor time nad bath time as already suggested have plenty of space in thier run/ cage 2 bottles 2 food bowls lots of hidey palces igloos are good as are fiddle stix and pipes, one will accpet the otehr one as the dominant one and back down, as said it can take time, but obvioulsy be aware of any major fighting,
Thank you all so much for your help! I had heard about giving them a bath so might try that tonight. So far so good at the moment. I have given them two of everything which seems to be helping. The one that was the sicker of the two and is now in the best of health, is now becoming the dominant one, funny because he used to be the shy, tiny one and now he is so energetic. Lap time is becoming a problem as they don't seem to want to sit for more than five min on my lap.
:'( Brought back eddie from the vet as he didn't treatment for an inner ear infection. Placed him back in the cage with kev. Kev tried to mount him and then a small fight broke out. Ed has a cut on his nose and I was examing him i found an old scab on his back.Think it's time to seperate?
I know exactly what you are going through. I also joined this forum a few days ago for advice on my boars. I had to go out to pet shop last night at 7pm to buy another cage as fighting had gotten so bad and blood was shed. Desmond seems made up to be on his own and has the occassional talk to Dexter through the cage but Dexter is going crazy trying to get through to Desmond. It is breaking my heart as he is wheeking and trying to gnaw through the bars but it is for the best as it was Dexter who was getting injured and Desmond clearly doesn't want to know him.
It is horrible having to seperate but you might find they are more settled next to each other rather than in same cage. Mine are far more confident and loving to me. I will try to gradually bond them again and then if it doesn't work then a lovely lady friend for each of them might be the answer.
Good luck. Sounds like Eddie is getting bullied and if he's ill anyway he might appreciate the time alone to recoup.
Cheers for that. Don't feel like I am the only one with crazy pigs on my hands. Put their cages side by side last night and give eddie lots of attention. I really hope that it is a phase. The vet was telling my boyfriend that they will eventually get on together. Asked about him getting the snip and she said that some guinea pigs dislike the operation so much that they can die due to high levels of adrenalin they produce. Vet said only snip if absolutly necessary. Pity too cause i was planning to get eddie a wee girlfriend.
You're def not the only one with crazy pigs. I had 2 boys (non-brothers) living happily from babies for over a year & had to separate them, they now live very happily side by side.
I also had 2 brothers (sadly lost one) Wilbur, the surviving brother hates other piggies & tolerated his brother but if he got the scent of one of the other boys he would attack poor Wallace. Since Wallace left for the bridge Wilburs a happy contented chap living on his own.
Niki said:
You're def not the only one with crazy pigs. I had 2 boys (non-brothers) living happily from babies for over a year & had to separate them, they now live very happily side by side.
I also had 2 brothers (sadly lost one) Wilbur, the surviving brother hates other piggies & tolerated his brother but if he got the scent of one of the other boys he would attack poor Wallace. Since Wallace left for the bridge Wilburs a happy contented chap living on his own.

Oh dear, that sounds like my Tom and Jerry :(
ok think i have tried ever trick in the book. Yestersay i even increased their cage space to one massive cage each both with a connected part so they can visit each other. Massive fight broke out i being silly panicked and stuck my hand in the cage and got such a nasty bite from edddie. Rang a different vet this morning and have booked them in for the snip at the end of april and will get two rescue female. Do you think this is the best way to go? Worried about the operation but then there is a risk with eveything i suppose.
well have decided to book them both in next thursday . Just hope I am making the right decision :-\. Also going to animal shelter on sat to see two females to possibily re-home
Best of luck awww they're going thru puberty can be one heck of time ::) ::)
Let us know how it all goes, if you adopt some girlies and how their 'op' goes
Come on fellas settle down, you're stressing mummy out big time :o :o
driving mum crazy and stressed is right 98). Tried to get c&c cages but the delivery from usa would be 100 pounds so thanks to another site i found i was able to get the same material that the c&c ppl use. Boyfriend not impressed with me getting more pigs cause of all the worry they have cause me. But i think getting two sows and having the boys snipped will be the solution.
katblack77 said:
driving mum crazy and stressed is right 98). Tried to get c&c cages but the delivery from usa would be 100 pounds so thanks to another site i found i was able to get the same material that the c&c ppl use. Boyfriend not impressed with me getting more pigs cause of all the worry they have cause me. But i think getting two sows and having the boys snipped will be the solution.

Try your local instore for the cubes £15 thats where i got mine from i asked when i went in and they had one pack left so try there first
ooppss just ordered loads of some web sites and paid about 70 pounds. Ah well i'll know for the next time.
Cornelia was quite nasty to Caesar for at least a month, but when I separated them she got so sad and whiney! It turned out they just needed a bigger cage in order to be together and they were much happier then!
i brought them both up to my parents house and put them in the run out on the grass but they still fought. And this morning kev was teeth chattering at eddie even tho they are in seperate cages
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