The issue with Straw is that it isn’t edible and can also be really rather sharp so risks quite nasty poke injuries.
Blank paper is just absorbency (and I don’t even know how well that kind of paper would absorb) rather than any warmth.
If they are indoor piggies, then lots of soft hay provides good insulation in hides. Add blankets and sheets over the cages to stop draughts from getting in. Microwaveable heatpads called snugglesafes are also really recommended for provide a warm spot for them so sit.
A thermometer in the room so you know what temperature they are actually in. Generally if the room is comfortable for you, then it is comfortable for them. Their range is the same as ours - around 18-22 degrees C is comfortable for them
1 Outdoor guinea pigs living in a hutch
- How to prepare your hutch for Winter
- Insulation
- Daily care
2 Outdoor guinea pigs living in a shed/garage
3 All outdoor guinea pigs
4 Indoor guinea pigs
- Preparing your cage
- Preparing the room
1 Outdoor guinea pigs living in a hutch
How to...