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i moved my guinea pigs indoors wednesday, because it is far to cold!they are in their cage at the minute, on towels with paper underneath it. I'm just wondering why my guinea pig punky is lying flat out like a dog outside the pigloo that my other piggy drizzle is in? i was sitting down on the setee and looked over and saw him doing this...i panicked and straight over to him cuz i thought hed collapsed or something! do they do this then, or do you think he might be feeling unwell.hes just polished off cabbage, and grapes though, so his appetites fine!gemxmalletheadmallethead
my pigs do this - they are just laying down because they are tired/relaxed, i think it cute :))
He just comfortably plonking out near his friend... they do that a lot. Having them indoors, get used to a raft of new behaviours as you get to see them more.
Mine do it too. I sometimes have to double take as they are so spread out and I worry. It's very cute!
I love it when the little legs are sticking out at the back or sometimes even in the air! :)) Or the girls are so sprawled on their bellies that they look like a furry rug...
All of my piggies do this. Some of them do this when they lay on me.:))
Yes, sounds perfectly normal to me. It's amazing how a guinea can "shape shift," and go almost completely flat. I love catching them when they are snoozing curled up on their sides like a little furry croissant.
My piggy Gizmo always does this,when we stroke him he lies flat out and his legs are flat out too. Its soooo cute! Its quite normal it shows that they are safe and content.
My Max does this, he always looks so sad, but he is just resting, I think it's called crescenting.
thanks everyone, i thought that maybe hed chocked on a grape, and was collapsing! oh I'm glad its normal, and glad they are content. ive just moved them up into my bedroom actually because with the tumble drier on all the time, i daint want them to get a bad chest! i tell you what, I'm such a worrier. it was funny though cuz when i went up to him and asked what he was doing he just lay there and looked up at me-just like my dog!lol. gemx
mine do it, to be honest i panicked yesterday, i looked at Mac he was all sprawled out with his eyes shut and for a minute i thought he was dead!he wasnt impressed that i woke him up to check he was alive!
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