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Strange Wincing and Noises


New Born Pup
Mar 26, 2024
Reaction score
United Kingdom - England
Does anybody have some experience with this sort of movement and noise from our pig Jerry? He’s 2 1/2years old, is fine within himself and still eating, drinking, playing and handling well but has episodes of this wincing, sometimes accompanied by a noise. (See video for three of these, arguably the worse of incidences we’ve experience)

These usually come in 2s or 3s and although he looks uncomfortable during the episodes he’s then back to his usual self.

These started a week ago so after 2 days we took him to the Vet who couldn’t feel any lumps, said he was handling well, and inspected one of his poos which was fine. Was given some anti-inflammatory to take for three days and then the episodes seemed to stop. A further 3 days on from that, they have come back! No signs of any colour in urine, we’ve seen him wee without wincing twice but can’t rule out a UTI / bladder stone.

Any input / experience on this would be greatly appreciated, the vet said the next step would be to sedate and X-ray him (which seems a bit extreme?).

I understand this thread is only for advice and should not replace a Vet consultation, just after any tips on this :)

Thank you for taking the time to read!

My guinea pig made that exact noise but not that movement. It was when she pooped/peed. Was found out to be a UTI after taking her to the vet. They did an X-ray to check for stones. No stones but vet claimed it was a bladder infection. After putting her on Metacam (anti-inflammatory) she stopped the noise. She was put on Bactrim for the infection.

I had 4 guinea pigs for 6 years and thats the only time one of them made that same grunt noise.
My guinea pig made that exact noise but not that movement. It was when she pooped/peed. Was found out to be a UTI after taking her to the vet. They did an X-ray to check for stones. No stones but vet claimed it was a bladder infection. After putting her on Metacam (anti-inflammatory) she stopped the noise. She was put on Bactrim for the infection.

I had 4 guinea pigs for 6 years and thats the only time one of them made that same grunt noise.
Thank you for your response!

Oh right yes the movement looks like some sort of straining to me. I do believe metacam is the same anti-inflammatory which the vet gave to us actually, and as I mentioned, that did seem to work initially. I think I’m going to get back in touch with them to see if we can re-administer more metacam or if they can test for a UTI.

Many thanks for your reply :)
I am not a vet or an expert but one of my boys is prone to getting a UTI. The sound is different but how he is acting is the same as Dignified Sir George does when he has one.

Please see a vet. There is clearly some pain in his lower body.
I agree it looks like pain. I’ve seen this in one of my piggies after surgery. Good luck.
I am not a vet or an expert but one of my boys is prone to getting a UTI. The sound is different but how he is acting is the same as Dignified Sir George does when he has one.
Thank you for your response! Yes I understand they’re not as common in boys but still can happen :)