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Strange noise?


New Born Pup
Apr 21, 2019
Reaction score
My 4 year old female guinea pig has been making this noise recently, especially at nighttime. She hasn’t shown any signs of stopping the noise, but is eating and drinking fine and seems active. Anyone experienced this noise before who could help me out?
Sounds like a strange kind of wheeking noise that could be normal. Have you considered getting your pig a same sex friend if you havnt already? They get depressed alone. Guinea pigs must be kept in pairs. No exceptions 👍.

Welcome to the forum 😁
Hi! Thanks for answering so quickly! We originally bought her along with another female, but she sadly passed away about 2 years ago. However, around that time we did have a friend with a slightly older male guinea pig who asked us to take care of him and we introduced the two, they get on well! Glad it’s nothing to worry about, thanks.
Hi! Thanks for answering so quickly! We originally bought her along with another female, but she sadly passed away about 2 years ago. However, around that time we did have a friend with a slightly older male guinea pig who asked us to take care of him and we introduced the two, they get on well! Glad it’s nothing to worry about, thanks.
I'm sorry to hear that