Strange Lights in the Sky

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2007
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North Wales (but from the Wirral)
I know this sounds mad, but last night we saw a strange bright light whizzing round an aircraft in the sky. It was circling the plane and darting around, couldn't have been another aircraft as it was moving erratically. Then we saw a very bright light suddenly drop down towards the River Dee. (We live on a hill in Buckley, N.Wales).

My boyfriend has seen a similar thing over the Dee estuary before - a very bright ball of light light that travelled from one end of the Wirral Peninsular to Chester in a split second, (probably 20-30miles), plunged down into the water then shot up into the sky, followed by 2 dancing lights.... then a stealth fighter appeared (one of those black triangular things that we do not have (supposedly) in this country) and follwed the path of the bright ball ... very strange ... has anyone else seen anything like this?
We often see strange dancing lights in the sky. The first time we saw it we were convinced it was aliens (logical explanation first ;D). Then, a few days later, we learnt that there had been a laser show at Alexandra Palace :( . So disappointed.

But no, nothing like what you describe. It sounds really exciting.
Wow I have never seen anything like that - but would love to. My sister said that she swears she has seen something very strange in the sky when she lived near Peterborough driving home one evening. She was shaking when she got home she was so scared!
I remember when hubby was a copper they put out a message that strange lights were over head at a certain place all those people who went to see them got their "scanners" confiscated for listening in to police messages it was a con to get them LMAO

but its got to be amazing to see something like that I loved the film close encounters of the third kind, who believes in UFOs I do think its rather pompous to beleive we are the only planet with life in the universe!
michellemuffin said:
I remember when hubby was a copper they put out a message that strange lights were over head at a certain place all those people who went to see them got their "scanners" confiscated for listening in to police messages it was a con to get them LMAO

but its got to be amazing to see something like that I loved the film close encounters of the third kind, who believes in UFOs I do think its rather pompous to beleive we are the only planet with life in the universe!

I agree! ;D

It bugs me when people think that "aliens" are like mythical creatures or somesuch. The fact is, there is a greater chance of lifeforms, intelligent or otherwise, being out there than not when you think about it.

Maybe you did see a UFO, Katiep. ;3 It'd be exciting if you did.

Could've been anything, really - which is what makes these things exciting.
did anybody watch that weird series where all the lights came down into the river and ate people then died and created someone that looked exactly the same as the person it ate except it loved water?
When I was about 13, living in Cornwall, my father and I saw some strange pulsing lights in the sky over moorland. There was no thunder or freak weather, and no explanation.
One night last year me and some people from college where waiting for our bus i heard some whispers and noticed people pointing into the sky and there was this light just buzzing around really high in the sky too big ang too high to be a plane it was so weird! my dads convinced he's seen stuff too!

i used to think we where but i dont think we are alone! lol aslong as they aint daleks I'm fine lol!
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