Strange boar behaviour!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
I'm not complaining about this but I did get rather a surprise this afternoon! My boar Nemo lost his cagemate a couple of months back now, I got Boris as a friend but very quickly after he came home I noticed he had patches of fungal so I had to hold off any introductions. Boris now has the all clear.

Today was their first real date and it was just so heart meltingly cute. I expected maybe some squeaking, chattering, chasing, humping but neither of them displayed any such behaviour or aggression. Nemo just walked on up to Boris, lay down next to him legs stuck out and propped his head up against his back and cuddled in. I have never seen anything quite like it! Boris didn't seem to mind but everytime he moved Nemo would re-prop himself up and just lay back down. Is this extreme submission or is he just totally soft?! Maybe I have a bit of a boarmance on my hands! :))
It was very cute but very unexpected! I've never seen anything like it before. Nemo has always been placid but not like that. I'm probably just projecting my emotions on to him but it seemed very affectionate and like he was relieved to have company, made me a bit sad to think of him having been on his own for these few weeks.
Awwww that is just gorgeous! Wish my boys would take a leaf out of nemo's book... All they seem to do is squabble and wiggle bums at each other at the minute! Very jealous of this boarmance! :)
Boris did get a bit more excited when they went in the cage together, Nemo was asleep in the pigloo and he'd constantly try and get in with him, run over the top of him and come back out again! I think Nemo isn't bothered about Boris being boss, he occasionally tells him to get off but nothing more than that! Boris is still young and bouncy but Nemo is 5 1/2 or so, he likes a quieter life!
That sounds absolutely adorable! What little cuties!

Can't say the same for my cheeky piggies! They've been together for 2 months now and still chase each other around the cage! They've never actually fought or bitten each other so maybe its just for fun, but I sure wish they'd rest and be cute together in the early hours of the morning when I can hear them leaping around the cage :P
Well unfortunately after the good start Boris bit Nemo about 2/3 times on the back Thursday over night sometime. Nemo was fine at like 11pm Thursday then come Friday morning these things had appeared. Boris hasn't been harmed at all so Nemo is now living opposite Peanut, it's an 8ft by 2ft hutch with a wire mesh divide in the middle. They can see and smell one another but Peanut is quite aggressive so they can't truly live together. Peanut would definitely bite him too!

Boris is going to be neutered and then once he's past 6 weeks he will go in with a group of 3 girls. He is a naughty little swiss tee hee!
If you read my update it went sour after Boris bit Nemo a couple of times! :( Boris was fine with him in the run and in open space but he flipped when they were in a cage or run!
So sweet! I have such fond memories of introducing my two girls... the older was quite lonely, as she had lost a friend a few weeks before. The first time she saw the other piggie across the room she popcorned and started trying to gnaw her way through the bars! When they met face to face there was lots of nose-sniffing and piggie training, and then the older pig settled down in the corner and the baby came and parked herself right beside her- adorable!
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