Strange behaviour

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 11, 2012
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I am wondering if anyone can tell me what this strange behaviour is. One of my piggies Butterscotch has took to eating my abyssinian, and Merinos fur. I have heard of barbering but I don't believe that's what it is. She walks up to my longhaired piggies and just pulls the fur and then eats it.:( It doesn't seem to bother my abyssinian, but it does bother my Merino.So is it barbering? Also will it stop, its not constant but i'm not able to watch them 24/7 so I'm not sure. It happens most around food, when they are all eating Butterscotch sees either of my longhaired piggies and reaches out to pull the fur, and eat it.:{
I have trouble cutting my Merinos fur now, as I think Butterscotch eating her fur has made her scared, especially when cutting around her back area. I hope she will stop soon and thank you to any advice you all can offer. :)
I can't really help you I'm afraid. I've never experienced barbering so I'm not sure. Could it be a dominance thing if it's around food? Does she seem aggressive when she does it?
I hope someone else can shed some light on your situation, especially as it's distressing your little Merino.
you are correct saying it is barbering,sometimes its caused by lack of hay in the cage and other times its a habit forming thing,
i looked after my daughters 2 pigs for the last month and the young one completly ate the other ones coat, this is dispite them having ad lib hay etc etc etc.
just one of those things that can happen, pigs kept by them selves have also been known to do it.
They have unlimited hay etc, and it doesn't seem aggressive. Just every now and then she walks over to my merino, pulls out some of the fur and eats it, then walks off. Should I try and stop her doing that?
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