Strange Behaviour

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Nov 19, 2011
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I got my piggies harley and squeekers over christmas, and they were settling in fine. They were becoming easy to cuddle and becoming right at home. They had a little tiff as girls do. However i noticed the past couple of days there behaviour has changed. They seem to be jumping alot and running around like mad. Also making a lot of noise. Harley who was the most comfortable being held has become really unsettled and doesnt seem to enjoy it anymore. I have noticed harley seems to squeel the cage down when i cuddle squeekers. Whats this all about and should i be worried.
Jumping a lot and running around sounds like popcorning to me indicating they are happy.

As for the piggie squeaking whilst its friend is gone, it sounds to me like it misses its friend and wants to be with them. I'd suggest holding both together. My boar Gilbert does this when I seperate him from his cage mate Ludwig until I place Ludwig back in with him again.
thanks i will try that i keep them in a snuggle pouch when holding them and make sure they can still see the cage. Because they are very frightened and jumpy i was a little worried about hold both at the same time but i will have to brave up and give it a go.
Mine are doing the same thing, especially the baby. When we take her out to hold her, she wheeks very loudly. She wants to go back with her friend Lucille. Harriet (the little baby) searches the cage for Lucille when we take her out. We have found that if we hold them where they can see each other then Harriet doesn't get so distraught. I want to try and start holding them together, but Lucille is still a bit skittish, and I am trying to get her to be more comfortable with being handled. It just sounds like your piggies are best buddies, which is a good thing;)

Mine also popcorn (jump). They also love to play chase through the cage and through the tunnel in it. I love to watch when they do that.
It sounds like they are just having fun. Enjoy!
The squeaking and running is a good thing :) Maybe because you haven't had them very long the behaviour change could be down to them being more confident and settled with you? Like maybe when you first picked them up they are thinking "who is this person? I'm scared? I better be good." but now they're thinking "this person is nice, they won't mind if I wriggle about a bit and squeak". It sounds funny but I'm pleased now when my piggles push my hand away during cuddle time because I know they know it's alright to tell me "hey put me down".
thanks so much for your advice i will try to stop worryingso much just want them to be happy and healthy. I'm glad there happy with each other after a rough start. thanks so much
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