Strange Behaviour From My Boys.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
norfolk uk
I have two male piggys from same litter and have been with me approx 8 months so they so they are adolescents now with some teen angst. This is displayed in the hutch / run area. They squeak, rumble, bum wag, chatter of teeth Tec. Fudge seems more dominant over toffee. Tonight during lap time my hubby had toffee and I fudge. Fudge escaped my lap rushed a cross sofa and got on hubby s next to toffee. I thought their would be a riot. But no! Peace prevailed, they snuggled down and sat like book ends for about 20mins. Fudge occasionally sniffling and licking/ kissing toffee ear! - can someone explain that turn around of behaviour?


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I wouldn't be worried! My 2 boys will never cuddle together, have the odd chase and chatter pretty much every day. The ONLY time that they snuggle and cuddle is during lap time - they will lie completely down (or splat out!) learning on each other, resting on the other etc. I imagine it is because lap time is unfamiliar to them, with strange sounds, smells and sensations. Being next to each other is a sense of comfort and something familiar :) x You have some good friends there :)
How big is their hutch? If it is too small it could be causing them to get grumpy.

My boys rarely snuggle so don't worry!
That's wonderful! I wish my piggies were like that. :doh: Fudge may have just had a change of attitude. My boys rarely cuddle together, and I used to be worried, but I guess they are just like humans. Sometimes they can have sudden mood swings!
I had to take the pictures because I couldn't believe it myself! However there 3 storey hutch with own 3 x3 attached floor space , they are at it again: rumbles, complaints, chasing and teeth chattering etc. They can't live on my lap forever - I'd never get any housework done :)
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