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straining to poop


Deleted member 154866

my girl is straining to poop, often (just started today) and she lets out painful-sounding squeaks:( when she does this, the poop that comes out is clumped and somewhat mushy & stinky. i suspect the culprit is my mom feeding the two pigs carrots yesterday, since they didn't have veggies in their previous diet. does that sound like a likely cause or is it something more serious?
i'm taking veggies out of their meals for about a day to see if it gets better, but I'm just real concerned
she also seems to be drinking a lot of water, not sure if that's related
Please remove veg from the diet for as long as it takes poops to normalise however if she is straining and sounds to be in pain the she should see a vet to rule out issues other than a change in diet
Yeah they’re not getting any veg for however long it takes, and I will take her to the vet if necessary
thank you so much!
hey also is it ok to feed the pigs Oxbow Vitamin C Cookies while they're off pellets and veggies? ten & donna have been off veggies for 2 days, then off both pellets and veggies for 3 days including today. I'm a bit worried about their vit c supply
hey also is it ok to feed the pigs Oxbow Vitamin C Cookies while they're off pellets and veggies? ten & donna have been off veggies for 2 days, then off both pellets and veggies for 3 days including today. I'm a bit worried about their vit c supply

You don’t need to give vit c supplements for a few days off veg. They’re aren’t going to come to any harm.

Are their poops improving?
A few days off veg should be enough to sort things out if it is a minor digestive upset. If this aren’t improving then they need to go to the vet.

Why are they off pellets as well?

Are you weighing them daily?
Their poops are the right shape and size (mostly, some are slightly smaller than normal), but Donna's poops still smell gassy. The previous foster parent told me to just give them a hay-and-water diet, and no I haven't been weighing daily but I can start today. Between last Sunday and the Sunday before that they haven't changed in weight.
I called the vet but he hasn't called me back yet
They don’t need to have had their pellets stopped.

Definitely weight daily. The weight check is the previous week is not necessarily helpful now.
Smaller than normal poops can sometimes indicate a reduced hay intake.

How long have you had them?
Oh okok, thank you!
I just got them on Feb 12, so only 10 days so far
They don’t need to have had their pellets stopped.

Definitely weight daily. The weight check is the previous week is not necessarily helpful now.
Smaller than normal poops can sometimes indicate a reduced hay intake.

How long have you had them?
Also should I gradually give pellets (if so, at what rate?)
Or just give them their normal amount? I have had them off pellets for like 3 days I think
Also should I gradually give pellets (if so, at what rate?)
Or just give them their normal amount? I have had them off pellets for like 3 days I think

You can just give them their normal one tablespoon of pellets per pig per day