Stopped Using Newspaper Under Bedding!

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Jun 16, 2014
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Just thought I would share my findings with you. I have stopped using newspaper under my megazorb bedding. I was finding the newspaper was staying wet and causing the bedding to be damp in the corners and smell after a few days. I've found that without the newspaper it does take slightly longer to clean out but the bedding drys out unlike before so they can can go slightly longer before cleaning. I just use a dustpan to scoop out the bedding instead of rolling It it in the newspaper to lift it out.
I have never used paper for the same reason. People say to me why don't I use shredded paper, because I just shred everything. One, you can never trust print ink not to be toxic and two, it just holds the wet. I also have a rescue whippet that, in the past, must have been hit by a rolled up new paper, so I cannot even have them come though the door!
This is interesting to know. I use newspaper under fitch at the moment. I used to use megazorb with newspaper and couldn't say I ever noticed a smell but sometimes the paper was wet underneath.
The paper seemed to be holding water. The base of the cage was completely dry when I came to clean them out after not using the newspaper.
I found that using newspaper in the hutch in the summer was fine - it probably stayed pretty dry as the plastic base and heat from the hutch and shed dried it out - I had to stop using it once the weather got weather and colder as the paper was just staying damp all the time.
Hmmm might give this a try tomo as it's clean out day then. I normally use a layer of newspaper and then fitch but i might try just fitch and see if it's any better! :tu:
When I was using loose bedding of any kind I never used newspaper. I use it now under puppy pads but it's only there to catch any seepage so only change an odd one on cleaning day but change them all once a month x
Here's a stupid question for all non newspaper users - what is the base of your accommodation? I have a wipe clean base and realise why I started using newspaper - to give some traction. I've just done a cage clean and put bedding only back ( I use Fitch) . My Guinea Pigs are slip sliding all over the place - Torville and Dean would be proud of them !
I've always used newspaper under the bedding until I read this thread, so yesterday when I cleaned out the cages I just put a thicker than usual layer of Fitch straight onto the plastic base. Normally by this time there would be a slight odour, but nothing yet! Really intrigued to see how this will go!

@PiggieOwner Our guineas aren't sliding around, but I have noticed that it's much noisier when they run, as the newspaper did deaden the sound. The plastic bases of their cages aren't smooth, they have a sort of raised chequered pattern!

They seem quite happy, but I think they might miss tearing up the paper, they always loved that.
I have been using a layer of puppy pads, a fine scattering of snowflake and then my usual layer of hay - my cage base is smooth but no skidding about, though my two blokes don't run much lol!
I've always used newspaper under Fitch (with no problems) but tonight had to bring our boys inside at very short notice as a fireworks display started by a neighbour unexpectedly and so I only had time to tip some fitch directly onto the plastic cage base. I did inadvertently tip a lot in so it is very deep so I'll be surprised if they manage to skid around!

It will be an interesting experiment when it comes to cleaning out. I haven't had damp problems in corners or anywhere but I do often struggle to find newspaper!
I use newspaper under the area they don't wee on (ie - in the front of the side of the hutch!) they wee in the back corners so I find it easier to scoop out the wet Fitch daily and replace. By doing this I found It can be over a week Before I need to do a full change x
I found without the newspaper they were skidding about x
one of our nieghbours had a firework display tonight @PiggySmitten - my trio were all in hideys and seemed OK so I left them where they were but I did feel guilty when I came in as I have heard quite a few loud bangs.

as to newspaper - I don't have too much of a problem getting supplies but it's a good job my local supermarket doesn't question why I want 10+ copies of the same free newspaper.

I think it's going to be easier to spot clean if there is no newspaper under the areas where they wee .
I have use Fitch for a year now and never used newspaper with it. The bottom of the cage is always dry and never smells. My 3 pigs like to do most of their wees in or around their hideys so every 2 days I scoop out the bedding in their hidey with a dustpan and put a handful of new Fitch back in. I do a full clean out once a week.
I use old towels and old pre fold cotton nappies underneath the fleece. Nobody wanted the nappies so they are put to good use!
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