Stop weeing on carpet during floor time

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
South East England
I've never had a problem with weeing on carpets before, as my 1 year old boar (Boris) is very clean and prefers to go back in for a wee, then go back out for some more floor time and this required no training, he just did it. However I just added an 8 week old piggie to keep him company who obviously isn't as hygenic :{

I have nowhere else availble for floor time so it has to be in my room on my carpet, and as my carpet is a hideous vomit coloured ****pile (relic from the 70's) I can't see where the young boar (Badger) has wee'd, only smell it :(

Does anyone have any training tips that would help get Badger to follow Boris's example and not pee on the floor? I feel like a dirty owner knowing there's pee somewhere on the carpet!

Any help is greatly appreciated! xx>>>
I can't really think of anything that will stop him weeing on the carpet. If you've got to go you've gotta go or so they say. My girls are very good if the are being held and will lick excessively or nibble if they need the toilet but floor time is a completely different ball game and the don't seem to care.
Maybe you could put something down on the carpet to prevent any pee soaking in like newspaper with fleece Or maybe a litter tray underneath something where they can hide, i find my girls like to toilet in private if they have the option.
I don't think you will be able to stop him but this may help prevent him spoiling yoir carpet x

Also as your new boy gets used to you and becomes more tame he may let you know when he wants to go. Of my 3 gingers i have only been peed on oncr when Tia was only a few months old , but now ( at just over a year old) she will fidget and nibble when she wants to go back.
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Both of the boys are good when they're being held, they lick too and I have to rush to get them back inside! So is it quite normal for guinea pig owners to have this problem then? I can't help but feel quite messy just letting them doing it :red
I have created easy to clean and dismantle little piggy corners (either a seed tray or some plastic cupboard liner with a towel on top and something for shelter) for my piggies to sit and do the vast majority of their leaks in.
Mine run in the kitchen on the lino flooring so it's just a case of sweeping and mopping up after them. Some people run their piggies in their bathrooms too, if these are tiled/lino floors
I went to Go Outdoors and bought a huge dirt cheap groundsheet for them. I have an equally huge and dirt cheap fleece blanket which I lay on top of it. That's what my pigs get their floor time on.
I can't really cover my floor, as their favorite place to play and run in my room is under my bed (of course) and fitting sheets around that boxes and legs would be a task everytime! I'm going to attempt to litter train with boxes, then move on to tarp if Badger still insists on being dirty rolleyes
Not really a helpful suggestion but you could just let him wee on it then you have an excuse for a new flooring and you can go for something guinea pig friendly like laminate and rugs. :)) ;)

My only other suggestions have already been said, I hope you can work something out, if you do have to go for a floor cover you could get a lino offcut, if you're a really dedicated guinea pig slave you may even just put a section of lino under your bed permanently and crawl under to clean up pig wees. On the other hand you can always gather carboard boxes and tunnels to create a play area if they can no longer be allowed under the bed.
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