I'm hoping someone might be able to give me some advice to help settle Ethel and tide her over until I can get her to her exotic vet tomorrow. Ethel started being wobbly when standing two days ago. We saw an exotic vet yesterday who couldn't find any obvious cause. She has an abdominal tumour, which she takes pain medication for, but the vet didn't feel it was causing her issues and when he examined her said other than the tumour her stomach felt and sounded totally normal, droppings also totally normal. He also said the tumour hasn't grown and is feeling very soft and mobile, which he was pleased about. They started her on gabapentin in addition to her normal metacam to see if this helped resolve whatever is going on with her. Today Ethel has an upset stomach and is passing very soft clumps of dropping. She is very lethargic and is now not really eating at all. She is having obvious stomach spasms where she hunches up and struggles to pass more droppings and is doing all of the classic 'I am a sick pig' things - hunched, fluffed, glazed eyes and shaking.' I am syringe feeding critical care and water regularly with added pro biotic, and offering lots of hay. She is now also snuggled on a hot water bottle in the hope it eases her pain a little. The exotic vet is calling me this evening to discuss a plan but I am wondering if anyone has any ideas in the meantime that might help me make her more comfortable and if this could be a reaction to the gabapentin?