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Stomach Making Strange Noises?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 26, 2015
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I've been on holiday for a week and got my guinea pigs back 2 days ago, they've been looked after by my grandma. I noticed a sound coming from them yesterday and I can't say whether its been going on any longer as I haven't been with them. At first I thought it was a strange squeak, it was sought of high pitched and short. But whilst fussing them I think its safe to say its coming from their stomach. I can't tell you which of my guinea pigs it is but whilst the noise occured they were both continuing with their normal business. They are both eating, drinking, pooping and urinating normally and are normal in themselves. I have heard stomach gurgles from them before, its just this one isn''t one i've heard before. Yesterday, they ate some grass a grape each and a blueberry. They also had some carrot in the evening. Today they had some more grass, and just now some sweet potato along with their daily hay and pellets. I don't know if maybe what they've ate may be making them a bit gassy? My mum has been slightly overfeeding them grass and i've been planning on telling her to cut down the portion. Now that I think about it their urine has been drying quite a dark browny yellowy color but when I dabbed their urine after they peed it was clear on the toilet roll.
It does sound like something they have eaten has made them gassy. I would have a listen to both pigs if you can so you can work out who it is. Also if you tap their tummy and it sounds hollow it could be bloat. Cut out all veggies for at least 48 hours and make sure they have plenty of hay and water, but ring the vets if there is a hollow sound or you notice any change in behaviour, or they stop pooing and eating.
It does sound like something they have eaten has made them gassy. I would have a listen to both pigs if you can so you can work out who it is. Also if you tap their tummy and it sounds hollow it could be bloat. Cut out all veggies for at least 48 hours and make sure they have plenty of hay and water, but ring the vets if there is a hollow sound or you notice any change in behaviour, or they stop pooing and eating.
Thankyou for your reply, should I cut out their veggies if their belly sounds hollow or cut it out because they are gassy?
Both, just in case. Then slowly introduce them one at a time. I would cut out grass too. Lots of fibre in the form of hay should help.
Both, just in case. Then slowly introduce them one at a time. I would cut out grass too. Lots of fibre in the form of hay should help.

Thankyou for your advice, as far as I can tell there bellys don't sound hollow, and I have cut out their veggies and will do for today and tomorrow.
I posted a thread recently about strange gurgling noises coming from my guinea pigs stomachs. I was told to cut their greens and to tap their belly to see if its hollow in case it might be bloat. I did all of that, and when I tapped their bellys as far as I can tell it didn't sound hollow. This will be the 2nd day of cutting out their vegetables and the noises are still happening. I think i've narrowed it down to my piggie Pippa. However, they are both eating, drinking, urinating and pooping as normal. Neither of there bellys are bloated either. I would say the gurgling happens less but i'm not entirely sure. Should I be concerned?

this is the link to my previous thread - Stomach Making Strange Noises?
I have merged your two threads for you, so we have got all information together. Our medical experts get alerts of every post in this section.

I would strongly recommend to stay on the high fibre/low fresh veg diet for a day or or two longer until the tummies have settled down again, and then reintroduce veg slowly. Things are obviously going in the right direction.

If the heavy gurgling doesn't subside, I would consider a vet trip. A little quiet gurgling is the sign of a healthy digestive system, but too much gurgling means that there is some gas somewhere.

You do not need to worry about your piggies losing out badly. Fresh veg should only make around 10% of the daily food intake, and it can be easily compensated for by eating more of the unlimited hay.
I have merged your two threads for you, so we have got all information together. Our medical experts get alerts of every post in this section.

I would strongly recommend to stay on the high fibre/low fresh veg diet for a day or or two longer until the tummies have settled doen again, and then reintroduce veg slowly. Things are obviously going in the right direction.

If the heavy gurgling doesn't subside, I would consider a vet trip. A little quiet gurgling is the sign of a healthy digestive system, but too much gurgling means that there is some gas somewhere.

You do not need to worry about your piggies losing out badly. Fresh veg should only make around 10% of the daily food intake, and it can be easily compensated for by eating more of the unlimited hay.

Ok i'll do that, thankyou for your help :)
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