Junior Guinea Pig
I've been on holiday for a week and got my guinea pigs back 2 days ago, they've been looked after by my grandma. I noticed a sound coming from them yesterday and I can't say whether its been going on any longer as I haven't been with them. At first I thought it was a strange squeak, it was sought of high pitched and short. But whilst fussing them I think its safe to say its coming from their stomach. I can't tell you which of my guinea pigs it is but whilst the noise occured they were both continuing with their normal business. They are both eating, drinking, pooping and urinating normally and are normal in themselves. I have heard stomach gurgles from them before, its just this one isn''t one i've heard before. Yesterday, they ate some grass a grape each and a blueberry. They also had some carrot in the evening. Today they had some more grass, and just now some sweet potato along with their daily hay and pellets. I don't know if maybe what they've ate may be making them a bit gassy? My mum has been slightly overfeeding them grass and i've been planning on telling her to cut down the portion. Now that I think about it their urine has been drying quite a dark browny yellowy color but when I dabbed their urine after they peed it was clear on the toilet roll.