Stinky Piggy!


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 4, 2017
Reaction score
I'm a new owner ( coming up 4 weeks now) and I've noticed one of my piggies is really stinky!

I clean their cage every 48 hours and I've smelt that and it's not coming from there.

I've had lap time with both individually and managed to locate the smell to Keith :lol:

Is there anything I can do to help him smell fresher? I've had a look and inspected him and there's nothing nasty on him so I really don't get why he's smelling and Steve isn't. It's a mystery haha.
Is Keith the boss piggy? Might be an idea to check his bottom and his glands down there as it could be that :D

EDIT: Do the good old fashioned scratch and sniff :))

Haha Yes he is the boss of the two.

He does have rather large erm dangling bits.... could this indicate a problem or is it normal?

Haha Yes he is the boss of the two.

He does have rather large erm dangling bits.... could this indicate a problem or is it normal?


Unfortunately I think it's pretty normal! Sometimes I wonder how they can even walk... :))

I don't have an intact boar pair so others may be able to help on this but it may be something to do with scent glands. I know my (neutered) boy is starting to smell now that he's next door to the girls :))
Boar feramones, they carry information about the pig (agresesion / sexuality ect) his identity! ! love the smell myself! ! some are stronger than others though most will slow down the production the older they get !
Personaly l wouldent try to mask the smell, it's what makes him who he is :tu:
My Angus looks like an angel but smells like a goat! His hair is brushed everyday but exudes a muskiness that is becoming his signature scent!

He sounds like my Keith for sure. His smell is very musky. Steve has no smell at all so I was worried Keith had something wrong :roll: