Still unsettled

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Apr 18, 2011
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I have two new guinea pigs (Blossom and Harmony) who I bought from a pet store as babies 8 days ago. Maybe I'm expecting too much too soon but they are still very nervous of me and while they tolerate being cuddled (I hold them for short periods each day) they hide in their cage under their log whenever I appear. I'm starting to feel quite disappointed especially as my previous guinea pig Candy was so placid from day one. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong with these two or whether it just takes longer sometimes. Maybe 8 days isnt a lot when all's said and done. I'd be grateful for any thoughts or advice on this.
it sounds to me like they are perfectly normal. being prey animals by nature, they are timid creatures and tend to be skiddish by default. it can take months for them to be completely comfortable with you, but they will get there. put your hand in the cage very slowly and keep it there for a few minutes at a time, while speaking them in a soothing voice. and of course, bribe them with veggies! they'll come around :)
Sounds normal to me, my two girls are very timid (one more so than the other) carry on doing what you are doing but it may just take a little longer. Peter doesn't flinch when I come in the room and runs to the cage bars when he knows the foods coming whereas Bea makes the most noise for the veggies but legs it into hiding when I walk in the room lol! I've had my two girls since January and Peter for about 6 weeks! A bit of time and patience and you'll get there
Hello, I have had Oscar about 3 weeks now and only the past 3 days or so has he started staying out of his pigloo when I enter the room and started gingerly accepting me hand feeding him treats. Just make sure you're soft voiced with her and handle her as often as you are able.
Thanks everyone. I'm happy to say it's been just over 2 weeks now and progress is coming slowly but surely :) Harmony is very loud and squeaks for her food, Blossom leaps around like a frog and they chase each other around the cage. Think they are settling in now :)
Our lot get a fright at the daftest things. I just moved my left hand while typing this and Bramble and Clover shot across the cage. We have had them a year!
I've had my boys since august 2010 and it has taken a very long time for one of them, Gilbert to get brave around me. This past month he seems to have finally gotten comfortable enough not to flee when I place my hand in the cage now, even if its centimetres from him and he will take food from my hands and not run away hiding once he has it.

Just take it slow and give them time. Some guinea pigs are faster than others. Ludwig was comfortable within a month but as mentioned, it took Gilbert a lot longer. :)
Sounds like they are shy. Heck I have had one of my pigs since the minute he was born and he still runs from me until I catch him them he is a huge cuddled. It took one of my pigs months to settle in and not she is the biggest licker ever. All pigs are different, just like people.
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