Still Undecided

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 12, 2016
Reaction score
East Yorkshire
My girls are now 12 wks old, we've had them for 6 weeks, they are sisters & have always lived together. I've posted recently about them both wanting to be the hierarchy and how Ivy seems to be the dominant and Pixie settling for that. Now that Ivy is pregnant though Pixie seems to have changed her mind & wants to be in charge, much to Ivy's annoyance. Two days ago Pixie was rumble strutting then snapping at Ivy, to which Ivy would snap back. Now today, when they go near each other they keep pushing their bottoms in each other's faces! I've read all the advice about letting them get on with it which is fine but I'm beginning to worry about when Ivy has the babies (possibly in 2 weeks) as to how Pixie will react. I really want to seperate them now so Ivy isn't getting stressed, yet a big part of me is saying don't. I'm getting quite stressed by their bickering but they aren't at each other constantly only really when it's feeding time or when they move around the cage & bump into each other.
My girls are now 12 wks old, we've had them for 6 weeks, they are sisters & have always lived together. I've posted recently about them both wanting to be the hierarchy and how Ivy seems to be the dominant and Pixie settling for that. Now that Ivy is pregnant though Pixie seems to have changed her mind & wants to be in charge, much to Ivy's annoyance. Two days ago Pixie was rumble strutting then snapping at Ivy, to which Ivy would snap back. Now today, when they go near each other they keep pushing their bottoms in each other's faces! I've read all the advice about letting them get on with it which is fine but I'm beginning to worry about when Ivy has the babies (possibly in 2 weeks) as to how Pixie will react. I really want to seperate them now so Ivy isn't getting stressed, yet a big part of me is saying don't. I'm getting quite stressed by their bickering but they aren't at each other constantly only really when it's feeding time or when they move around the cage & bump into each other.

It is rather that Pixie has been in season than trying to take over, with Ivy not being in the mood for it. I would leave them be for the moment, as re-introductions after Ivy has had her babies will be a lot more difficult.

Feed them with different food bowls at least a body length apart (veg and small portions of pellets), not just one. Make sure that they have hideys well away from each other.

If the aggression level goes up further than bickering, then you are right to separate.
Ok thank you, they do have seperate bowls etc. I'm thinking if Ivy has at least 2 sows then I'll probably seperate them with a baby each when they are old enough. Do you think Pixie will be alright with Ivy's babies? If she's in season does that mean it'll calm back down again in a day or so?
Ok thank you, they do have seperate bowls etc. I'm thinking if Ivy has at least 2 sows then I'll probably seperate them with a baby each when they are old enough. Do you think Pixie will be alright with Ivy's babies? If she's in season does that mean it'll calm back down again in a day or so?

If Pixie is in season then things should calm down again. As to baby plans, I would wait and see how things develop and what you get in terms with babies. Pixie should be accepting of a baby of Ivy's, but you have to brace yourself for some heavy-weight dominance from both mum and Pixie once the babies are weaned.
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