I got 2 female pigs 2 1/2 months ago. They were both extremely traumatised when I got them home, and it became quite obvious that they had never been touched before and had never heard normal, everyday noises before. One played dead for several days, and I was really worried it would die. The problem is, although they are far better than they were, and will even poke their noses out for a spring green leaf, they are still unhappy and just hide all day. One bullies the other, and I am beginning to think it would be better for them to be rehomed to someone who has other, confident pigs. I feel like a total failure, but I hate to see them so scared, and they don't have much quality of life just stuck in a cage hiding. I go to them regularly with a tasty treat, but as a carer for my dad, I don't have a huge amount of time.