Still struggling with 2 males unhappy

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New Born Pup
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
myrtle beacg, sc, us
It has been months since I start trying to bond my troublesome piggie to his roommate, and I still feel like we are not hitting the mark. Finally after weeks of living in the c&c cage with a divider, the two boys are now able to be in the same space without full out attacking. Unfortunately, just because the bloodshed and pulled hair has stopped doesn't mean my boys are happy. The larger is constantly pushing the more submissive around....mounting, nibbling, bumping, nosing his bottom. I have to put the divider back in at night just so the smaller can eat and rest, and boy does my big boy throw a fit!

This has been such a trial for us since we have another boar pair who bonded quiet successfully.

I feel like the more submissive is really unhappy and the larger is just a bully. He is not interested in pleasant interactions with the other pig or humans. They seem tense together and lonely with the it time to rehome one? I honestly would feel uncomfortable rehoming the larger since he is so human aggressive.....
if there has been bloodshed you shouldn't be trying to bond them. Once they have drawn blood the bonding willl not happen
I'm sorry but some piggies, like humans, just won't get along. If blood has been shed then it's really not safe to leave them alone together as they could badly hurt themselves. Do you have a local rescue that you could speak to for some advice?
Unfortunately there is no rescue here in South Carolina anymore. I am not saying you a wrong, but I was told back when I started intros that if blood was shed that I need to separate and then I could try again later. That is the only reason we re attempted. Anyway, the real issue is not bloodshed but that it seems they are only tolerating each other. This is the 4th pig we have tried with the larger and more dominant one, all with similar results. I am at the point of building a top level for my little bully and then trying to bond my poor little guy with another young male, but that would bring me to 5 pigs lol. If anyone knows of someone in the sc area that is experienced in working with tough case pigs let me know
If blood has been shed then the bond is broken and won't come back I'm afraid. It isn't safe to leave them alone together as it is likely to happen again. Would they be happier just living with the divide? Then they can still see and smell each other, but without the agression.
Keeping the divider there was my thought as well but my little one was especially destressed about being alone. I had an idea today, and went out and bought a toy that looks just like a pig. I put it on the dominate pigs side and he seems to really like it. I think now perhaps i can make him a cage next to the big one i have now and get my smaller a new friend.
No-one is too old.Took me a while to suss it but I can do it now and I.m a grandma
LOl ok, lets give this a try



The second one is a little blurry, but tell me this doesn"t look like a pig!
If your smaller boy is unhappy being alone, then I would consider getting him a friend of his own. It is so much more difficult when you haven't got a place where you can stage a meet & greet/dating round before bringing a newbie home. Character compatibility is the key to a successful boar bond; you quite obviously don't have that with your boys. Some boars can be very hard to find just the right friend for.

If you cannot date, the next best option is a preferably non-dominant youngster in order to keep the dominance as clear as possible when the little one hits the big hormones. We have tips and information on boar behaviour and for introductions at the top of the behaviour section if you decide to go down that way. Please be aware that it can take up to two weeks until you know whether a boar bond is really working out. Fall-outs and fights can blow up out of the blue during that time.

You may find this thread here interesting and illuminating. It contains the experiences of a rescue lady in South Wales, who runs a residential boar dating service (which is the safest, if very time consuming) way of bonding boars of all ages.

You are a very caring piggy mummy, and I hope that you can find a solution that will do both boys justice.
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