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Still sneezing

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
Hi everyone
I asked a while ago about Bee sneezing quite a bit, they're not real sneezes, just like little puffs through her nose? Its hard to describe lol! Anyway both of them have done it since i got them, bee more than bumble, i know they're not real sneezes because i've seen them do these. Bee has been the vets and been on baytril for it, the vet said it could be a mild respiratory infection, she listened to her chest and checked her paws for discharge (where she's been wiping it) there was none there and her chest sounded fine but she put her on them to be safe, anyway she is still doing it, after finishing the baytril a week ago. Bumble has always been laid back and seems absolutely fine, Bee couldn't be more active and she's also fine, neither are off their food or water, their eyes are not weepy and they don't have runny noses. They live on fleece and have timothy hay in a hay rack to eat. I really have no idea what it is that's causing it because something makes me think it isn't an infection. Could it be an allergy? Anyone got any ideas? Or should i just take them back the vets for more antibiotics? Thanks.
Love Emma x
Hi Emma
Oh dear, do you know how fresh your Timothy Hay is? if not sure perhaps you could give it a good shake before giving it to the piggies.
I have heard that some piggies have allergic reactions like us humans to some products.. :-\ :-\
Good luck with Bee :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks Glynis, I thought this and as a result have changed their hay 3 times and they still do it, and i do give it a good shake before i put it in, i just don't have a clue! x
Gilbert has little sneezing bouts sometimes. i used to own horses who had hayfever(how ridiculous, lol) and we dampened their hay before we gave it to them so i tried this with Gilly and he seems to stop sneezing, it keeps the dust down you see, you could give this a go seeing as you feed it in a rack and not as bedding.

Hi Emma,

Poor thing, hope Bee is ok. Could be an allergy. Mine do it sometimes especially after I've changed the hutches for them. I've just got some carefresh to try with Cuzzy so hopefully he will be ok on that!

Let us know how Bee is!

Thanks both of you, I will try the dampening the hay that's a godd idea :) it does seem to be in bouts that they have sneezes, they're not continuous so could well be an allergy i suppose, I'll let you know if this works xxxxxx
You do not need any more antibiotics,in fact the piggies probably did not need them in the first place.

This is most likely allergy as has already been suggested by other members.

Are the pigs indorrs/outdoors?.There are so many things that can cause allergy in piggies it is very difficult to pin them down.Household cleaners,especially sprays,perfume you are wearing,room fresheners,in fact any type of aerosol spray,disinfectants, the list is long.You just have to think about anything that is in the area the pigs live in.
Thanks mary, the pigs are indoors and i have removed all air fresheners from near their room and none are used in there. Could it be washing powder? They live on fleece and vetbed which obviously i wash, i use non-bio but should i try changing the powder? x
This is a possibility.Try a liquid rather than powder washing product.Get one that is formulated for sensitive skin.The powder washers can sometimes cling to the material,the liquid detergents are easier to rinse out.
Right thanks. will do this too next time i wash. Ralfie, my boar isn't at all bothered by it, haven't heard him sneeze once, but could still just be an allergy, thanks for the advice x
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