Still Having Problems!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Chorley, Lancashire
I have posted a few times about trimming my piggies nails. one of them is ok, she is sqirmy but I can get them done one foot a day so thats ok. My other piggie I have always had problems with, she sits really still but she is a very nervous piggie. Ive had her for nearly 2 years and shes the most confident shes ever been since I got her a friend, but shes still nervous. Anyways I keep trying to trim her nails as they are getting quite long, I try and just do a tiny bit at a time because I'm nervous of making her bleed. However I find that nearly everytime I trim a nail she pulls away as if ive cut too much off. Also her nails dont just cut when try, they are thick but then you cut them they dont leave a nice smooth and of the nail like my other pig, they kinda look bitty if that makes sense? like uneven and as if youve just tried to snap them rather than cut them.
Sorry if that isnt very clear but I just dunno what else to do to do her nails, I've tried so many things and I dont want them to get any longer than they already are but its proving difficult to get them cut!
Its worth asking your local vet/nurse to do it. Most will do for a small fee...get them to show you and maybe the first few times do it with their guidance..well worth it with wriggly piggies.
I did think about going to my vet but then I dont wanna go and look like an idiot who cant look after her piggies properly. I know I'm probably being stupid but I dont want the vet to think I dont look after them well. And I have read somewhere that not all vets will do it for you, I dunno how true this is?
I always make sure I do my piggies after they've been fed, makes them more relaxed. I use the Wilkinson's small pet nail trimmers, I hold the piggy on my lap & then hold the paw firmly, pop the nail in between the trimmer's blades then I use my finger as a "Stopper" the other side, so I know there is a only a teeny bit of the nail that will be trimmed off, especially with black nails. I only trim a tiny bit off theirs, but do them once a fortnight :)
I did think about going to my vet but then I dont wanna go and look like an idiot who cant look after her piggies properly. I know I'm probably being stupid but I dont want the vet to think I dont look after them well. And I have read somewhere that not all vets will do it for you, I dunno how true this is?
I take mine to the vet. I have one who's I can't do so now I go to vet. £7 for nail trim
Some rescues do a nail cutting service too. I do all the guinea pigs nail at Bunny Burrows & if they have boarders I usually do there's too.

I think it's possible you may need to get some stronger or sharper clippers. I have 2 pairs, one for the small nails usually on the front feet & one heavier pair for the thick nails usually on the back feet.

I do pretty much the same as Poppy'sMum has suggested. I also get a towel & hold the piggy on it's back. If it's a mover I'll cover it's head while I do the back nails & then cover it's back feet while I cut the front nails. It's really a double confidence thing for you and your piggy & it get's easier for you both with time.
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