Adult Guinea Pig
I'm sorry for the morbid post in light of Christmas but I am an emotion wreck right now. Just over 6 months ago we had to say goodbye to my childhood best friend, Crystal. I had grown up with her since I was 4 years old, and don't really remember not having her around. She was my absolute best buddy and saying goodbye to her as will all pets was the hardest thing. For weeks the house felt empty, and I would cry most days about her. I then went through a stage of I guess "learning to live with it" where I was okay. 3 months ago we got a new pup ace, and despite me loving him so much, and giving us a whole new load of love and memories I can't stop missing Crystal. With Christmas being tomorrow the grieving has just got me again as she was always so involved with our family Christmas days! I've attached a photo of an Instagram post about how I feel her not being there. I feel guilt because as a kid I knew she wouldn't always be there but I never realised how fast the time would go, nor did I appreciate the days I had with her. I kind of just grew up with her and then that was it, she was gone. Having a large age gap between me and my brother, Crystal, without sounding silly, was almost like a sister. She looked after me, and we played together, she truly was my little (quite big) buddy.
I just still don't quite want to believe she's gone.
I just still don't quite want to believe she's gone.