Still Getting Calcium Deposits, Time To Change Pellets?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 21, 2015
Reaction score
Shropshire, England
Have had my girls for a week now and still seeing white wee in their hidey boxes. Dont think its from veg as I'm not feeding high calcium veg, cud it be the science selective pellets i was told to feed them by previous owner? As they r 8weeks old i thought they needed high calcium pellets?
Plus they r fussy with their veg - they wont eat any colour peppers or parsley or celery or broccoli or cauliflower leaves. They do love green beans and cucumber tho. Have got some corn on cob for them for tomorrow.
What do u all think i should do?
Have had my girls for a week now and still seeing white wee in their hidey boxes. Dont think its from veg as I'm not feeding high calcium veg, cud it be the science selective pellets i was told to feed them by previous owner? As they r 8weeks old i thought they needed high calcium pellets?
Plus they r fussy with their veg - they wont eat any colour peppers or parsley or celery or broccoli or cauliflower leaves. They do love green beans and cucumber tho. Have got some corn on cob for them for tomorrow.
What do you all think i should do?
Do you give them tap water, I'm not sure what your waters like but it may be high in calcium. I feed my girls science selective and don't have a lot of calcium deposits but the water up here is very soft. I think some white wee is normal but more experienced members will know a bit more. @helen105281 is the best person to ask about pellets x
Ooh one of my piggies did a white wee yesterday, I didn't know what it meant. I'm in a hard water area too. Is it really bad if they have white wee?
Too much white wee isnt good no, but occasionally is ok. Am borrowing a water filter off my mum to see if that makes a difference. But am taking Smudge to the vets today cos she has a skin problem on her face so will mention this to the vet.
Filtering hard water is going a long way to minimise the build up of minerals and calium in the bladder. ;)

Ooh one of my piggies did a white wee yesterday, I didn't know what it meant. I'm in a hard water area too. Is it really bad if they have white wee?

The occasional white wee is not a problem at all; it is just the normal way of the body to get rid of any excess calcium.

If your piggies wee milky pees daily, you want to reduce the amount of calcium in the piggy diet as it can contribute to the build up of bladder stones in the long term.
You can find tips for a balanced normal diet here:
Bumping this as i am still seeing white wee from my piggies. Shall i change my science selective pellets as i am using a water filter but doesn't seem to have made any difference?
You can try bunny pellets (5 per piggy per day) if the calcium pees are still very frequent. If they are just occasional, I wouldn't worry.
They do eat alot of pellets but they r only 15 weeks so i thought they needed extra calcium such as afalfa pellets? Are bunny pellets suitable for baby piggies, ive never heard of or seen them?
I have white patches on the bottom of my pigs enclosure. Is this because of calcium then? I just assumed it was the urine having an effect on the lino base. If so I will be looking at a water filter.
Since I started filtering my piggies water, the chalk/calcium deposits have all but gone. Only tend to appear now when high calcium veggies given.
They do eat alot of pellets but they r only 15 weeks so i thought they needed extra calcium such as afalfa pellets? Are bunny pellets suitable for baby piggies, ive never heard of or seen them?

I would slowly reduce the amount of pellets and/or slowly switch to other pellets to see whether that makes a difference. Your piggies are slowly coming towards the end of their fast growing phase anyway.
They do eat alot of pellets but they r only 15 weeks so i thought they needed extra calcium such as afalfa pellets? Are bunny pellets suitable for baby piggies, ive never heard of or seen them?
Bunny is a brand name. They aren't for rabbits! Bunny do make pellets especially for guinea pigs. Hope that helps:)
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