Still Bonding Or Not Getting Along At All Help Please

amber horner

Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 7, 2016
Reaction score
Hi all we got our gorgeous 3 month old boys potch and chinno 2 weeks ago and I'm a bit worried about potch behavior I'm probably over reacting but would like some advice or reassurance please. Potch spends most of his time rumble strutting round the cage or trying to bite the cage bars to get out and get to Dave and Derek, he and chinno have plenty of floor time by themselves but potch spends his whole floor time trying to get at Dave and derek. When he is in his cage he mounts chinno from the front and behind and chases him around lots chinno is very laid back and just wants to eat sleep and poop I'm worried potch is too rough with him is this normal dominant behavior from potch or should I worry that they won't bond at all as I want what's best for my piggies to be happy x
It is just normal behaviour. He is asserting his dominance to Chinno by mounting and rumbling etc and also telling your other two boys he is 'top pig' through the bars. I've heard from other members that their boars chew at the bars if another boar us in the vicinity but it will calm down.

My two boys have been together a little while now and they still rumble and mount. :)
It is just normal behaviour. He is asserting his dominance to Chinno by mounting and rumbling etc and also telling your other two boys he is 'top pig' through the bars. I've heard from other members that their boars chew at the bars if another boar us in the vicinity but it will calm down.

My two boys have been together a little while now and they still rumble and mount. :)

I don't have anything to add to the above but just wanted to say that my Weasel is a slave to his piggy hormones and acts exactly the same as your Potch.

The bond between Weasel and Samson seems fine though as I did divide the cage after a week as poor Samson was constantly harassed and looked exhausted, but Samson started to bite the bars to be back with Weasel so I took the divider away.
Things have settled down quite a lot but as Jesse's pigs says the mounting and rumbling still happens.

I ended up putting a blanket between the cages of my boar pairs as Weasel was constantly wheeking and biting the bars to get next door and there was no room to move the cage.
It seems to have worked.:)
thank you all for your replies ive moved potch and chinno further away from dave and derek and he seems to lessened the bar chewing he just sits on his hidy roof staring at dave and derek lol and they are going into a c&c cage this week which i am dividing due to space at the moment ive got a blanket and towel to put over the divide so hoping that will help x
I agree with the other posters. And moving the cages away should help ease the bar biting problem.
We have put the boys in their new c&c cage next to each other and I've put the blanket down the middle and potch is alot calmer now he still tries to bite the bars every now and then but he seems a lot happier just wondering around his new pen and he's leaving chinno alone more now as well as they have separate beds now thank you all for your advice much appreciated xx