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Sticky Poop

A Guinea Pig

Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 18, 2023
Reaction score
Colorado, United States
I was cleaning the guinea pig cage today when I picked up a poo. I squished it and found that it was a little sticky (sorry if that is gross). Is that normal? None of the poop is malformed, they are just darkly coloured. Could that just be pee coated on the poos?

Thank you!
Hello A Guinea Pig..a while back I remember my boys having squishy poop. I think I fed them too much fresh veggies..they were fine after I cut back on the veg.
Hello A Guinea Pig..a while back I remember my boys having squishy poop. I think I fed them too much fresh veggies..they were fine after I cut back on the veg.
They aren’t squishy at all surprisingly, just sticky. They don’t get too many veggies either. 🤔
It may just have been a fresh poop or had been peed on. Was it only one or were they all like it?
Provided poops are well formed and not soft then then there is usually not a concern
:agr: One poop in isolation wouldn’t concern me but finding multiple soft poops or slightly pointy poops could indicate that a piggy may have a slight tummy upset.