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Steve Query

Jesse's pigs

Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 31, 2016
Reaction score
Hi guys me again lol. So I'm not too freaked out but I have noticed that Steve does mini sneezes (though they don't sound like Mo's) it's not a wheezy sound or anything worrying it just seems to be a light sneeze. He's eating drinking etc everything fine and during floortime was like a wind up toy zooming around and around lol.

Now my theory is he is still adjusting to his new home and bedding? When I got him he was in a shed or shavings and piles of hay- now he's on fleece and indoors. Could that be it? I'm not overly freaking out because he's done it since I got him and I suppose it's only now I'm asking cos I've been handling him more. It's nothing like Mo's sneezes that had me rushing to a vet thankfully. They're really really light and barely noticible- and not happening 24/7 or I would have seen a vet obviously :)

I've also heard that sometimes piggy can sneeze a little if the fleece has urine on it? Idk it's not that I don't change the fleece- please don't think that! I have loads and loads of fleece blankets (I think roughly 20+) that I switch over and over.
Mine always sneeze when they jump around in the hay boxes. I always buy dust free hay but there's still some dust and fluffy bits. It doesn't help in the Spike/Peanut camp that Spike scratches around in the hay like a chicken. :lol!: