Sterilising Feeding Equipment With Milton

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
London, UK
I was wondering if it is safe to use Milton to sterilise the bowls, bottles etc? I have heard that sometimes mould builds in the water bottles so I do this about 1-2x a month but otherwise I just soap them all with fairy and rinse them well with water.

Also, I just bought two more (used) cages with wooden houses and some wooden toys.

The cages I will clean as usual then spray with pet antibacterial spray.

The wooden stuff I was going to wipe them over with a wet kitchen towel before I let my piggies use them and was wondering if that was OK or should I use the pet antibacterial spray/vinegar wipe/something else instead?
I use a steam sterliser myself but I know other members do use Milton and am sure it is safe.
I use boiling hot water for wood and then spray with disinfectant then pour boiling hot water over again. I have used Milton with no problems in the past :)
Hmm..well i used Milton for the non wood stuff and then just gave the wood stuff a wipe with water. Was thinking of spraying the antibacterial spray but I imagine it will get absorbed and then they will bite it to bits since it is new..reckon it will be fine.
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