I am ever so sorry for the finding in the x-ray and for having to make that decision.
Did your vet not feel for the bladder on the first examination as a stone of this size would have been very noticeable to warrant an x-ray much sooner in the process? The cystitis associated with larger or recurring stones or sludge is generally bacterial cystitis as a result of the bladder trauma rather than sterile cystitis.
Piggies react very differently to the loss of their mates. Blizzard would have known long before you that Snowflake was very ill and will not have been surprised that Snowflake has left the cage in order to die - like many social animals, guinea pigs will remove themselves when seriously ill (in a cage where they cannot physically do that this manifests as bunkering up in a cosy or a corner). The other group mates will say their goodbye at that stage, which Blizzard obviously has done as his reaction is perfectly normal for piggies that have already taken their leave. So please don't be upset - he's simply done the necessary and has already done some of his grieving.
If Blizzard is coping well on his own, you have got about a month or even longer in terms of a neutering to sort-out any companionship. Please don't knee-jerk because of your own grieving and do your own research which you will benefit from in the long term.
Here is our practical supportive info pack for bereaved companion and your own grieving:
Death, Dying, Terminal Illness; Human Grieving and Bereaved Companions: Information and Support for Owners and Their Children
Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care
I would recommend that you contact Hazelcroft Rescue in St Albans as your closest carefully vetted good welfare standard rescue. However they may not be willing to rehome on spec to an unsafe boar but may offer rescue dating under expert supervision at the rescue once Blizzard is safe, so Blizzard can have a say in who he wants to be happy with. A younger boar may also be an option via the dating service because it takes the key element for any bond, mutual liking and personality compatibility into account so you end up with a stable bond and have the rescue to fall back on if there is trouble along the line. Rescue dated boar pairs are about as stable as a sow bond for that reason.
Heathlands in Bassingbourne or Wood Green by Godmanchester should also be within your reach.
If you want to source a sow from any other source, I would strongly recommend to please read the guide below in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises. It will also give you detailed information about the adoption and rescue dating process.
We can only guarantee that you are in safe hands at all times (and so are your own piggies) with the places listed in our rescue locator:
Rescues (Adoption and Dating), Shops, Breeders or Online? - What to consider when getting guinea pigs
You can find our rescue and recommended vets locators on the top bar but here is the rescue link:
Rescue Locator
Please accept that we are a strictly rescue-friendly non-breeding forum and that we do not hand out any breeder information as part of our very explicit forum rules in that respect.
Terms of Service And Forum Rules