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Sterile IC upping cystophan


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 1, 2021
Reaction score
My boy has had test done to rule out stones and confirmed by a specialist that he has sterile IC. His on 0.35 mls metacam twice daily and half capsule twice daily of cystophan. His last flare up has been at the start of November when he had treatment at vets for nose bleeds, his brother bit him, and on Christmas Day we had people round so they went in our spare room for the day to be quiet but this stressed him out and later lots of blood on the puppy pads. I read on hear that some people have given there guinea pigs 2 capsules of cystophan to get on top of the flare up as glucosamine is the key. I have been giving him since yesterday half capsule of cystophan 3 times a day. So that would be one and a half capsules a day. This am the blood had died down a lot. So I Don’t know if this is helping? It hurts him when he contracts his bladder for a poo. I have got tamadole as standby if he needs it. His slowly putting on weight and is 960g. His only a year old. Sometimes when he poos you can hear a puff of air coming out. This has been going on for a couple of months. His interacting normal and eating fine. He also comes up to the cage for extra water ( mineral) in a syringe to help flush him out. On low calcium diet. I don’t know if to try him on the oxbow joint supplement wafers as this contains glucosamine? Also cystophan has been hard to get hold of so I’ve ordered today cystease.
Also how does sterile IC cause the to bleed?
Does the blood come from the bladder?
Thank you 😊
Also how does sterile IC cause the to bleed?
Does the blood come from the bladder?
Thank you 😊


You can shortly double the cystophan for 2-3 days during a flare to bring it back under control more quickly. I have found that it is the most efficient way of dealing with an acute flare in mine.

The red in the pees that are characteristic for a sterile cystitis flares is a natural dye called porphyrin. The urine can contain blood but it is not related to the redness. Seeming clear urine can test high for blood while red pees can test clear for it. I do have that particular t-shirt in my own cupboard. Anyway, as soon as the flare settles down again, so will the porphyrine and any invisible blood in the urine. So please don't freak out about the red pees. You are going to see them appear and then go again with each new flare. ;)
Ahh thank you for explaining that. As I didn’t know . Very interesting. His had this flare up since the second week of November 2021. Lots of stress has happened to him in that time.
It took 3 months for his first flare to settle and go on a maintenance daily does of metacam and cystophan. We were doing great. But poor little boy has had lots of stress lately so I guess this flare may take another 3 months to go.
He had x rays of kidneys and bladder and scans and urine test back in August 2021.
Should I ask for another X-ray to be done to make sure all ok? Or is it to early?
He looses weight with flare ups and goes down to 910 g but slowly goes back up to 1,000g. I give him oats and bran mashes to help with weight. I figure when he poos his contracting his bladder muscles. Which is painful for him.
I love this little boy so dearly but breaks my heart to hear him cry. But when I see him whelking and climbing the cage for food and pop Corning it gives me positivity to not give up on him. And hopefully one day this horrible sterile IC will go.
Ahh thank you for explaining that. As I didn’t know . Very interesting. His had this flare up since the second week of November 2021. Lots of stress has happened to him in that time.
It took 3 months for his first flare to settle and go on a maintenance daily does of metacam and cystophan. We were doing great. But poor little boy has had lots of stress lately so I guess this flare may take another 3 months to go.
He had x rays of kidneys and bladder and scans and urine test back in August 2021.
Should I ask for another X-ray to be done to make sure all ok? Or is it to early?
He looses weight with flare ups and goes down to 910 g but slowly goes back up to 1,000g. I give him oats and bran mashes to help with weight. I figure when he poos his contracting his bladder muscles. Which is painful for him.
I love this little boy so dearly but breaks my heart to hear him cry. But when I see him whelking and climbing the cage for food and pop Corning it gives me positivity to not give up on him. And hopefully one day this horrible sterile IC will go.


If the x-rays haven't shown up anything, then there won't be anything to see. Sterile IC does not cause any bladder stones etc. It is mainly a problem with the glucosamine lining of the walls of the urinary tract that has a stress link.

However, while it can take a longer time to get on top of it initially, the following flares should be easier to get on top of as the lining has been saturated with glucosamine so you do not have to wait as long for it to top it off and it should be easier to get it back under control - however the severity it very individual so I cannot make any actual predictions but it will generally get easier with every new flare unless you are dealing with a really severe form.
I'm not an expert by far but we recently tried cartrophen injections for ic when 1ml of dog metacam twice a day and 2 cystease capsules were not working (plus getting that amount into her was really stressing her out and it felt counterproductive 😵) we saw improvement after the second injection (she had 4 6 days apart in total). It might be worth asking your vet about if it doesn't settle but hopefully you won't need it 😊
I'm not an expert by far but we recently tried cartrophen injections for ic when 1ml of dog metacam twice a day and 2 cystease capsules were not working (plus getting that amount into her was really stressing her out and it felt counterproductive 😵) we saw improvement after the second injection (she had 4 6 days apart in total). It might be worth asking your vet about if it doesn't settle but hopefully you won't need it 😊
Thank you. His already had a course of catrophen injections. He responded to the third injection but his course finished at the fourth one. His also got tamadole to use. But it is a bad flare. Thank you though for your kind response.x

If the x-rays haven't shown up anything, then there won't be anything to see. Sterile IC does not cause any bladder stones etc. It is mainly a problem with the glucosamine lining of the walls of the urinary tract that has a stress link.

However, while it can take a longer time to get on top of it initially, the following flares should be easier to get on top of as the lining has been saturated with glucosamine so you do not have to wait as long for it to top it off and it should be easier to get it back under control - however the severity it very individual so I cannot make any actual predictions but it will generally get easier with every new flare unless you are dealing with a really severe form.
Thank you so much for your kind advice. Sometimes I just need some advice from your kind forums. Which really help me.xx
Thank you. His already had a course of catrophen injections. He responded to the third injection but his course finished at the fourth one. His also got tamadole to use. But it is a bad flare. Thank you though for your kind response.x
Nuggets course also finished with her fourth but the vet said she could have more in future flares if necessary 💗 I hope he feels better soon 💓
Nuggets course also finished with her fourth but the vet said she could have more in future flares if necessary 💗 I hope he feels better soon 💓
Ahh thank you. I thought they could only have one course of them. If it hasn’t settled I will ask my vet if he can have another course.xx
Ahh thank you. I thought they could only have one course of them. If it hasn’t settled I will ask my vet if he can have another course.xx

Guinea pigs can have repeated injections if needed. It depends on what product your vet is using. Currently, experiences are still collected as it is a fairly recent development.
I'm not an expert by far but we recently tried cartrophen injections for ic when 1ml of dog metacam twice a day and 2 cystease capsules were not working (plus getting that amount into her was really stressing her out and it felt counterproductive 😵) we saw improvement after the second injection (she had 4 6 days apart in total). It might be worth asking your vet about if it doesn't settle but hopefully you won't need it 😊
Hi, just to let you know I asked my vet today if snowflake could have another course of cartrophen injections. And his allowed to have a 4 week course of them every 3 months.
His going tomorrow to have his first injection. His flare is still going since the start of November. So I hope this gives him some relief.🙂🤞
Hi, just to let you know I asked my vet today if snowflake could have another course of cartrophen injections. And his allowed to have a 4 week course of them every 3 months.
His going tomorrow to have his first injection. His flare is still going since the start of November. So I hope this gives him some relief.🙂🤞
So happy he's able to have more 💗 hope it helps! Sending healing wheeks! Xx
Glad that you can have more; some piggies have sterile IC worse than others. Getting them the right level of treatment is great since we have got the cartrofen for the stronger cases.
Glad that you can have more; some piggies have sterile IC worse than others. Getting them the right level of treatment is great since we have got the cartrofen for the stronger cases.
Thank you. I didn’t know he could have a course every 3 months. My vet said he may have to have them every 3 months until his flare has settled. Also I have ordered him some oxbow joint support. Just to see if this helps him in between as well as metacam and cystophan. My vet is also going to do a urine test. X
This is what his wee is like everyday. I shall take this and show the vet today.


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Vet rang this morning and said no infection in urine. But definitely blood. His having his injections still but on his last injection if no improvement with the blood then he will have another x ray In case there could be any stones present.😔x
Some of you may have read my post with snowflakes on going issues with IC. I’m going out my mind with worry for him and don’t know what to do. This is what I wake up-to each day with the redness of the puppy pads. He was tested last week and it is blood and not the dye. His had his first injection of catrophen last week and responded well the first two days. Squealing dyeing down. On twice daily half capsule cystophan and 0.35 mls metacam. And now on 3x daily calpol. He also screeches a couple of times during day when pooing. He. Is acting normal. No hunching up. Whelking for food and interacting and drinking normal. I also give him extra mineral water. Low calcium diet. I don’t know if the crying has become a habit every time he wees?
His had X-ray and all tests in September all clear. His having another X-ray on Thursday and I’m praying it’s not stones.
Can IC pigs bleed like this? I moved to puppy pads and fleece in November and his not had a break from bleeding! Can IC piggies bleed like this until the cystitis eventually goes? As you can see on the photos his a dear little thing and I don’t want to give up on him. But I can’t afford him to be operated on.


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Some of you may have read my post with snowflakes on going issues with IC. I’m going out my mind with worry for him and don’t know what to do. This is what I wake up-to each day with the redness of the puppy pads. He was tested last week and it is blood and not the dye. His had his first injection of catrophen last week and responded well the first two days. Squealing dyeing down. On twice daily half capsule cystophan and 0.35 mls metacam. And now on 3x daily calpol. He also screeches a couple of times during day when pooing. He. Is acting normal. No hunching up. Whelking for food and interacting and drinking normal. I also give him extra mineral water. Low calcium diet. I don’t know if the crying has become a habit every time he wees?
His had X-ray and all tests in September all clear. His having another X-ray on Thursday and I’m praying it’s not stones.
Can IC pigs bleed like this? I moved to puppy pads and fleece in November and his not had a break from bleeding! Can IC piggies bleed like this until the cystitis eventually goes? As you can see on the photos his a dear little thing and I don’t want to give up on him. But I can’t afford him to be operated on.

Please take a deep breath. These a low grade symptoms that may need a little time to settle down again; they are very typical for IC flares. You may see a few more episodes of them so please brace yourself and just take in your stride.

PS: I am merging the threads. We prefer to keep all information in an ongoing case together.
Thank you again. You have put my mind at rest again x
Fingers crossed for X-ray result 2mrw pm. Will let you know. Vet said about going over his pain management again and adding some extra things so he can have added pain relief throughout the day to keep him comfortable. His having added water throughout the day. Should I ask if he could have some tablets to help his urine more alkaline so it’s not stinging him whilst weeing?x
Thank you again. You have put my mind at rest again x
Fingers crossed for X-ray result 2mrw pm. Will let you know. Vet said about going over his pain management again and adding some extra things so he can have added pain relief throughout the day to keep him comfortable. His having added water throughout the day. Should I ask if he could have some tablets to help his urine more alkaline so it’s not stinging him whilst weeing?x
You could raise the question of potassium citrate with your vet but be aware that what you are now experiencing is one in the milder range. I know that it is hard for somebody with pet anxiety to cope with having a piggy with any symptoms at all.
You could raise the question of potassium citrate with your vet but be aware that what you are now experiencing is one in the milder range. I know that it is hard for somebody with pet anxiety to cope with having a piggy with any symptoms at all.
Thank you I will mention to vet tomorrow about the potassium citrate. Fingers crossed X-ray will come back tomorrow ok🤞🤞
The worst of it is hearing him squealing whilst weeing. And dreading if the pads have got blood on again. But to see him popcorn and his being his cheeky self and putting on weight gives me hope. Thank you so much for your ongoing support with him. It’s very hard and tough having a IC pig. But I’m not giving up on him.xx

Please take a deep breath. These a low grade symptoms that may need a little time to settle down again; they are very typical for IC flares. You may see a few more episodes of them so please brace yourself and just take in your stride.

PS: I am merging the threads. We prefer to keep all information in an ongoing case together.
Today has been the worst day ever. I had to say goodbye to snowflake today. X ray revealed a large stone in bladder. He had also lost a lot of weight. The vet said he was suffering also his IC.
Now I have blizzard on his own. He saw him in his cage dead. But didn’t go over to him. His acting like nothings happened. Still wheeling and eating. I have decided to get blizzard neutered in 2 weeks time as his only one year old. Then he can have a girlfriend.
I’m hoping to find a sow who is placid and keep her in a ferplast 120 cage so his got company before his op and also until he is safe to go with her. I am based in Bedfordshire do you know of any breeders around there or would anyone else?
A lot of rescues haven’t got any sows at the moment.
Also if my boy don’t bond with the sow do most breeders have them back?
Thank you with all you support with snowflake you have been marvellous.❤️💯
I'm so very sorry for your loss. I can't really advise about sourcing piggies as we do prefer to rescue - but we have found lone females before from the Pets at Home Adoption Corner. They might be odd ones from the batch they get in or - as in our case - if a piggy was poorly and had to have treatment in the back but by then all the others have gone and a new batch of babies are in. It's also worth phoning places and explaining why you are looking as single pigs are not advertised but they might be waiting in the wings for a friend. Check out the recommended rescue locator on the green band above.

We did get a girl from a nice lady in Didcot who also does pig boarding and daily care (nail trimming etc for the faint hearted!) It was during the second lockdown and gentle neutered George had lost both his wives within the year - Ivy after a protracted illness. So after a few weeks alone we assumed he would be delighted with any company and were all shocked when he went for poor Rosie in no uncertain terms as soon as she arrived here, and Rosie had to go home again! I'd enquired after a 'mature' pig as George was older, Ivy the same age and Daisy had been a right Grandma but Rosie - about 1 - was as mature as they got and I think she was just a bit too speedy and lively for him! She's the only pig we've ever sent home again but I expect she was very relieved about it. We then managed to get a pair of mature 'wives' from the blue cross and I was gobsmacked again when one of the girls just hated him so they were neighbours anyway. Then Flora arrived, then we tragically lost feisty Zara, and now we have a comfortable threesome. It never goes as planned but it's worth persevering. Good luck x
Today has been the worst day ever. I had to say goodbye to snowflake today. X ray revealed a large stone in bladder. He had also lost a lot of weight. The vet said he was suffering also his IC.
Now I have blizzard on his own. He saw him in his cage dead. But didn’t go over to him. His acting like nothings happened. Still wheeling and eating. I have decided to get blizzard neutered in 2 weeks time as his only one year old. Then he can have a girlfriend.
I’m hoping to find a sow who is placid and keep her in a ferplast 120 cage so his got company before his op and also until he is safe to go with her. I am based in Bedfordshire do you know of any breeders around there or would anyone else?
A lot of rescues haven’t got any sows at the moment.
Also if my boy don’t bond with the sow do most breeders have them back?
Thank you with all you support with snowflake you have been marvellous.❤️💯


I am ever so sorry for the finding in the x-ray and for having to make that decision.
Did your vet not feel for the bladder on the first examination as a stone of this size would have been very noticeable to warrant an x-ray much sooner in the process? The cystitis associated with larger or recurring stones or sludge is generally bacterial cystitis as a result of the bladder trauma rather than sterile cystitis.

Piggies react very differently to the loss of their mates. Blizzard would have known long before you that Snowflake was very ill and will not have been surprised that Snowflake has left the cage in order to die - like many social animals, guinea pigs will remove themselves when seriously ill (in a cage where they cannot physically do that this manifests as bunkering up in a cosy or a corner). The other group mates will say their goodbye at that stage, which Blizzard obviously has done as his reaction is perfectly normal for piggies that have already taken their leave. So please don't be upset - he's simply done the necessary and has already done some of his grieving.
If Blizzard is coping well on his own, you have got about a month or even longer in terms of a neutering to sort-out any companionship. Please don't knee-jerk because of your own grieving and do your own research which you will benefit from in the long term.
Here is our practical supportive info pack for bereaved companion and your own grieving:
Death, Dying, Terminal Illness; Human Grieving and Bereaved Companions: Information and Support for Owners and Their Children
Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care

I would recommend that you contact Hazelcroft Rescue in St Albans as your closest carefully vetted good welfare standard rescue. However they may not be willing to rehome on spec to an unsafe boar but may offer rescue dating under expert supervision at the rescue once Blizzard is safe, so Blizzard can have a say in who he wants to be happy with. A younger boar may also be an option via the dating service because it takes the key element for any bond, mutual liking and personality compatibility into account so you end up with a stable bond and have the rescue to fall back on if there is trouble along the line. Rescue dated boar pairs are about as stable as a sow bond for that reason.
Heathlands in Bassingbourne or Wood Green by Godmanchester should also be within your reach.

If you want to source a sow from any other source, I would strongly recommend to please read the guide below in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises. It will also give you detailed information about the adoption and rescue dating process.
We can only guarantee that you are in safe hands at all times (and so are your own piggies) with the places listed in our rescue locator: Rescues (Adoption and Dating), Shops, Breeders or Online? - What to consider when getting guinea pigs
You can find our rescue and recommended vets locators on the top bar but here is the rescue link: Rescue Locator
Please accept that we are a strictly rescue-friendly non-breeding forum and that we do not hand out any breeder information as part of our very explicit forum rules in that respect.
Terms of Service And Forum Rules

I am ever so sorry for the finding in the x-ray and for having to make that decision.
Did your vet not feel for the bladder on the first examination as a stone of this size would have been very noticeable to warrant an x-ray much sooner in the process? The cystitis associated with larger or recurring stones or sludge is generally bacterial cystitis as a result of the bladder trauma rather than sterile cystitis.

Piggies react very differently to the loss of their mates. Blizzard would have known long before you that Snowflake was very ill and will not have been surprised that Snowflake has left the cage in order to die - like many social animals, guinea pigs will remove themselves when seriously ill (in a cage where they cannot physically do that this manifests as bunkering up in a cosy or a corner). The other group mates will say their goodbye at that stage, which Blizzard obviously has done as his reaction is perfectly normal for piggies that have already taken their leave. So please don't be upset - he's simply done the necessary and has already done some of his grieving.
If Blizzard is coping well on his own, you have got about a month or even longer in terms of a neutering to sort-out any companionship. Please don't knee-jerk because of your own grieving and do your own research which you will benefit from in the long term.
Here is our practical supportive info pack for bereaved companion and your own grieving:
Death, Dying, Terminal Illness; Human Grieving and Bereaved Companions: Information and Support for Owners and Their Children
Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care

I would recommend that you contact Hazelcroft Rescue in St Albans as your closest carefully vetted good welfare standard rescue. However they may not be willing to rehome on spec to an unsafe boar but may offer rescue dating under expert supervision at the rescue once Blizzard is safe, so Blizzard can have a say in who he wants to be happy with. A younger boar may also be an option via the dating service because it takes the key element for any bond, mutual liking and personality compatibility into account so you end up with a stable bond and have the rescue to fall back on if there is trouble along the line. Rescue dated boar pairs are about as stable as a sow bond for that reason.
Heathlands in Bassingbourne or Wood Green by Godmanchester should also be within your reach.

If you want to source a sow from any other source, I would strongly recommend to please read the guide below in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises. It will also give you detailed information about the adoption and rescue dating process.
We can only guarantee that you are in safe hands at all times (and so are your own piggies) with the places listed in our rescue locator: Rescues (Adoption and Dating), Shops, Breeders or Online? - What to consider when getting guinea pigs
You can find our rescue and recommended vets locators on the top bar but here is the rescue link: Rescue Locator
Please accept that we are a strictly rescue-friendly non-breeding forum and that we do not hand out any breeder information as part of our very explicit forum rules in that respect.
Terms of Service And Forum Rules
Thank you again for a very interesting read and great advice. I always worry that boys will fight as testosterone levels are high and want to sort out there dominance. The rescue I always use have a 4 year old. And 2 separate neutered 6 month old boars. I may consider a play date with the boys first and give blizzard the option if he likes them. Before I rush into having him operated. As reading your advice has made me think of trying him with a boar

Of the placid kind as he is more dominant. Also he had a loving relationship with snowflake. I think I read on other groups that boys fight and this has put me off having boys. But they will have the 160 ferplast cage and indoor run. And in the summer they live out in a large hutch and are out for 7 hours a day on grass in a large run.
I'm so very sorry for your loss. I can't really advise about sourcing piggies as we do prefer to rescue - but we have found lone females before from the Pets at Home Adoption Corner. They might be odd ones from the batch they get in or - as in our case - if a piggy was poorly and had to have treatment in the back but by then all the others have gone and a new batch of babies are in. It's also worth phoning places and explaining why you are looking as single pigs are not advertised but they might be waiting in the wings for a friend. Check out the recommended rescue locator on the green band above.

We did get a girl from a nice lady in Didcot who also does pig boarding and daily care (nail trimming etc for the faint hearted!) It was during the second lockdown and gentle neutered George had lost both his wives within the year - Ivy after a protracted illness. So after a few weeks alone we assumed he would be delighted with any company and were all shocked when he went for poor Rosie in no uncertain terms as soon as she arrived here, and Rosie had to go home again! I'd enquired after a 'mature' pig as George was older, Ivy the same age and Daisy had been a right Grandma but Rosie - about 1 - was as mature as they got and I think she was just a bit too speedy and lively for him! She's the only pig we've ever sent home again but I expect she was very relieved about it. We then managed to get a pair of mature 'wives' from the blue cross and I was gobsmacked again when one of the girls just hated him so they were neighbours anyway. Then Flora arrived, then we tragically lost feisty Zara, and now we have a comfortable threesome. It never goes as planned but it's worth persevering. Good luck x
I'm so very sorry for your loss. I can't really advise about sourcing piggies as we do prefer to rescue - but we have found lone females before from the Pets at Home Adoption Corner. They might be odd ones from the batch they get in or - as in our case - if a piggy was poorly and had to have treatment in the back but by then all the others have gone and a new batch of babies are in. It's also worth phoning places and explaining why you are looking as single pigs are not advertised but they might be waiting in the wings for a friend. Check out the recommended rescue locator on the green band above.

We did get a girl from a nice lady in Didcot who also does pig boarding and daily care (nail trimming etc for the faint hearted!) It was during the second lockdown and gentle neutered George had lost both his wives within the year - Ivy after a protracted illness. So after a few weeks alone we assumed he would be delighted with any company and were all shocked when he went for poor Rosie in no uncertain terms as soon as she arrived here, and Rosie had to go home again! I'd enquired after a 'mature' pig as George was older, Ivy the same age and Daisy had been a right Grandma but Rosie - about 1 - was as mature as they got and I think she was just a bit too speedy and lively for him! She's the only pig we've ever sent home again but I expect she was very relieved about it. We then managed to get a pair of mature 'wives' from the blue cross and I was gobsmacked again when one of the girls just hated him so they were neighbours anyway. Then Flora arrived, then we tragically lost feisty Zara, and now we have a comfortable threesome. It never goes as planned but it's worth persevering. Good luck x
Thank you 😊 I think I may try bonding him with a male again.before rushing him to be neutered. X
Thank you again for a very interesting read and great advice. I always worry that boys will fight as testosterone levels are high and want to sort out there dominance. The rescue I always use have a 4 year old. And 2 separate neutered 6 month old boars. I may consider a play date with the boys first and give blizzard the option if he likes them. Before I rush into having him operated. As reading your advice has made me think of trying him with a boar

Of the placid kind as he is more dominant. Also he had a loving relationship with snowflake. I think I read on other groups that boys fight and this has put me off having boys. But they will have the 160 ferplast cage and indoor run. And in the summer they live out in a large hutch and are out for 7 hours a day on grass in a large run.

I would certainly not date him with 6 months old boys - that is the classic fight and fall-out teenage stage when testosterone is at a life time high. You may want to read the links attached because they have all the background information and the little details that the devils hide within. The boar guide for instance has a chapter about the different ages, including how teenage runs, companionship considerations and a chapter on neutered boars.

Please take the time to read up on all the links I have added to my last post; there is also not just one version of rescue dating. Think on it; sleep on it, ask several places what is around and what services they offer and do not just rush into it. New companionship is for a long time and you want to go into it with your eyes open. Ultimately, it is all about a good personality match, long before gender or age but it doesn't mean that all ages are ideal.
Here is another guide you may want to read before you make up your mind: A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)

Depending on the mix of personalities, it may take you several tries. But make sure that you go down the road that feels best in your gut and take the time to listen to it once you have fed it all the data and allowed to digest it.
You are chosing between equally valid options if done correctly that each have their own challenges, advantages and draw-backs. Go into it eyes open. Blizzard is thankfully giving you this extra time; so use it wisely for his and your long term benefit.
I would certainly not date him with 6 months old boys - that is the classic fight and fall-out teenage stage when testosterone is at a life time high. You may want to read the links attached because they have all the background information and the little details that the devils hide within. The boar guide for instance has a chapter about the different ages, including how teenage runs, companionship considerations and a chapter on neutered boars.

Please take the time to read up on all the links I have added to my last post; there is also not just one version of rescue dating. Think on it; sleep on it, ask several places what is around and what services they offer and do not just rush into it. New companionship is for a long time and you want to go into it with your eyes open. Ultimately, it is all about a good personality match, long before gender or age but it doesn't mean that all ages are ideal.
Here is another guide you may want to read before you make up your mind: A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)

Depending on the mix of personalities, it may take you several tries. But make sure that you go down the road that feels best in your gut and take the time to listen to it once you have fed it all the data and allowed to digest it.
You are chosing between equally valid options if done correctly that each have their own challenges, advantages and draw-backs. Go into it eyes open. Blizzard is thankfully giving you this extra time; so use it wisely for his and your long term benefit.
So yesterday I sat down with a coffe or 2 and spent the afternoon reading your attachments and weighed up the good and bad points. I have decided to go with a baby boar first. I have found a nice breeder who has 7 month old baby boars ready. The good thing is I am also lucky enough to bring blizzard with me to see who he likes. Also I’m lucky if they don’t get on when baby is three months and 6 months or a year old the breeder is happy to have the boar back. Then I shall get blizzard neutered and the breeder said I can then try with a female. I will keep you posted. Blizzard will meet the baby tomorrow.x