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Sterile Cystitis Questions


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 14, 2025
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Good morning, this isn’t urgent, but I could do with some advice please.

Bandit has been getting treatment from our vet since the Friday after Christmas when she was doing red pees.They’ve checked a urine sample and there were no crystals or bacteria (this is a new level to me, I’d previously understood piggy bladder problems were infection or stones). She had cat metacam for a week, seemed fine, stopped for a week, more red pee. Consulted vet again, was advised to continue metacam for 10 to 14 days and get a supplement. She suggested Oxbow urinary support (except there’s supply issues) but not Cystease as it’s designed for cats, there’s no scientific research using it for guinea pigs and we don’t know the dosage (her words, not mine).

Anyway, we’re now on day 10 of 1kg cat-sized loxicom dose every 12 hours, and. day 4 of sliding from Science Selective Grain-free nuggets to Piggie Parcels joint and bladder support pellets. Bandit seemed fine again, enjoys taking metacam from a syringe and seems somehow calmer and more relaxed since eating the new pellets.

But, about 10pm yesterday she went to bed and sat there squeaking. I sat her on a white towel on my lap, and there was more red pee, her tummy was very sore, squeaking “don’t touch”.

This morning she is fine again, popcorns and zoomies to say good morning, eating, drinking, had her metacam dose, behaving normally. I’ve phoned the vet and they are giving me more metacam to use for another week before they will want to see her again.

I’m now wondering if starch/sugars in her diet are a cause. The issue started after they’d had a carrot cottage for Christmas (Minx’s carrot and nugget mine 🙄) and yesterday’s pain was after they’d had green oat readigrass in the afternoon, I don’t know if these piggies have had that before, and they don’t normally get carrots.

So, questions…

Is it likely to be diet-related? Maybe she is sensitive to something that doesn’t affect the other two.

Should I ignore the vet and try Cystease anyway?

Will cranberries help, if I can get her to eat/drink them?

Apologies for the amount of text, needed to explain xx
I'm sorry to hear this.

Cramberries will not help with piggies with uti and it won’t help sterile cystitis. The sugars may in fact make things worse

Yes Sterile cystitis seems to be set off by a change in the diet so if they don’t normally get carrots then yes it is possible it has caused this flare.

When a piggy has sterile cystitis, metacam is needed for life at a maintenance dose along with glucosamine. The dose can then be increased during a flare and once the flare has passed it can go back down to maintenance dose.
It will take several weeks of glucosamine for it to have an effect and help ease symptoms.
Cystease is something very commonly used amongst forum piggies with this issue.
I'm absolutely not the most experienced about this but the one thing I do know is that it takes a couple of weeks for the glucosamine levels to build up. This is what makes them more comfortable by soothing the bladder.
My Sir George had a squeaky wee last week (the first one I heard) so I gave him Johnson 4 joints (instead of cystease) as a booster for a few days as he has the joint support pellets too and (fingers crossed) he seems fine now. Obviously if he gets bad he will be getting seen by the vet.
This is just my experience, I hope it helps.
Thank you, fingers crossed the new pellets will help her. I’m gonna have to talk to the vet about metacam doses and duration, wish me luck.

Also, I will be even more scrupulous about what they eat xx
Hi, i’m adding to this thread cos its the same issue, just changed a bit.

Bandit and I visited the vet on Thursday taking a pee sample with us, to see how the metacam and glucosamine-containing pellets are helping her. There were still no crystals in the sample but this time the vet found bacteria. She also took a conscious (sitting wedged in a box) x-ray and found what looked like 2 stones - one very round one and another rice-grain shape potentially in her uretha.

Back we went again on Saturday morning for a sedated x-ray and ultrasound, psyching ourselves up for possible surgery next tuesday 😨. And… the stones that were there on Thursday have vanished! She seems to have peed them out and lost them.

So, we’re still giving metacam and now co-trimoxazole (sulfatrim? sticky banana stuff, I hate it - Bandit) and doing another sample in a week.

I’m confused but so glad she didn’t need surgery. And I’m still blaming the carrot cottage, flippin’ expensive Christmas present that was.

My girl Peanut has just recently had a UTI and she was recommended to take cystease x1 a day, where it be syringed mixed with water or sprinkled on food. Also, I use the oxbow joint support as well as it has a higher amount of glucosamine then the bladder support and it has turmeric which is anti inflammatory (1 to 2 tablets per day). Glucosamine is just good to give everyday as it lubricates the bladder walls.

I would also change her diet to a low calcium one, which includes low calcium pellets and potentially filtering her water as it contains minerals including calcium.

I’ve finished my pigs round of co-trimaxozole and luckily there’s been no flares as of yet. Fingers crossed that it’s bacterial and not sterile 🤞🏻

Good luck

My girl Peanut has just recently had a UTI and she was recommended to take cystease x1 a day, where it be syringed mixed with water or sprinkled on food. Also, I use the oxbow joint support as well as it has a higher amount of glucosamine then the bladder support and it has turmeric which is anti inflammatory (1 to 2 tablets per day). Glucosamine is just good to give everyday as it lubricates the bladder walls.

I would also change her diet to a low calcium one, which includes low calcium pellets and potentially filtering her water as it contains minerals including calcium.

I’ve finished my pigs round of co-trimaxozole and luckily there’s been no flares as of yet. Fingers crossed that it’s bacterial and not sterile 🤞🏻

Good luck

Thank you 🤗 that’s reassuring. I’m in the process of switching to the piggy parcels joint support pellets (low calcium and high glucosamine, yay!). The vet doesn’t want me to use cystease.

We’ve been feeding the low calcium diet recommended in the forum guides since Nala (then aged nearly 5) had bladder stone surgery (and almost died) in 2021. And I’ve been giving my pets Brita-filtered water since, well forever.

Which is why I’m confused about Bandit. I thought I had the diet right, and the other two are fine. I can only guess that she must have managed to eat more than her fair share of the dried carrot on the cottage roof.

Lets hope the antibiotics, metacam and new pellets sort it all out for her 🤞
Hiya, more to add to this, starting to feel like Bandit and I are going round in circles. So, she finished her course of co-trimoxazole, and a week later stopped taking metacam and produced a pee sample in which the vet found no bacteria or crystals. Yay! Then about a week ago she peed some blood and was in pain peeing. Back to the vet again with a sore tummy and another sample, again clear.

We’ve now just finished another 5 days of .25ml cat metacam twice daily, so today I am watching her like a hawk keeping an eye on her, so far so good 🤞 Any bets on how many days before I’m on the phone to the vets again?

Photos - marauding round demanding lunch, bowl of grass and veggies, and siesta time.


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This is sounding like sterile cystitis. Antibiotics and pain meds stop and a flare comes back. Antibiotics can suppress but won’t cure as there is no bacteria to kill.

Treatment is lifelong daily metacam and glucosamine (feliway cystease is recommended).
Thank you, its been a possibility all along 😢 And then later this afternoon I found this…

Days before phoning vet again = 0. They’ve advised another 7 days of metacam to see if that calms it down. While we’re doing that, is there any value in upping the amount of glucosamine in her diet? She’s been having 10 grams of the piggie parcels urinary support pellets for about the past month. The first vet we saw didn’t want me to use cystease (see the beginning of this thread), I’ve bought some anyway 🤫 because of the advice here. How much should she be having?


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It’s about finding a level of glucosamine which works as a maintenance dose in her case. It can be a capsule a day, going up to two during a flare.
It takes several weeks for glucosamine to build up.
Ok, thank you 🤗

I’m gonna give it a try tomorrow morning, they’ve had enough of my fussing for now (just did a big cage clean and I’m tired 🥱)
Hi, it’s Amanda from Piggie Parcels 👋 Just to say, not to feed cystease along side the pellets. 10g of the pellets already contain a high level of glucosamine, much more than you will find in one capsule of the cystease. So if you are feeding the pellets, don’t give another glucosamine supplement 😊 and as mentioned, it can take 6 weeks for the glucosamine to build up and start supporting the bladder wall.
I hope your piggie feels better soon. If you want to talk about levels of supplements in the pellets just send me a message x
Hi, it’s Amanda from Piggie Parcels 👋 Just to say, not to feed cystease along side the pellets. 10g of the pellets already contain a high level of glucosamine, much more than you will find in one capsule of the cystease. So if you are feeding the pellets, don’t give another glucosamine supplement 😊 and as mentioned, it can take 6 weeks for the glucosamine to build up and start supporting the bladder wall.
I hope your piggie feels better soon. If you want to talk about levels of supplements in the pellets just send me a message x

Ah, ok, thank you. Too much of a good thing with supplements then. I reckon we’re coming up to 6 weeks of eating the pellets anyway.

Gonna plod on with the metacam xx