New Born Pup
Hello I’m new to posting on this forum. My Guinea pig Bambi has had stressful trips to the vets due to his bladder and being put on antibiotics without the vet doing culture test. Finally we found a new vet experienced with guinea pigs and she did tests and diagnosed Bambi with Sterile Cystitis. I was looking on the special dietary requirements and it says to remove lettuce ? Is that only if the pig has a flare up with it ? Also I feed forage a few times a week instead of pellets. I don’t know if I’m feeding too much forage like how much forage should I be feeding ? The X-ray shown Bambi has pre sludge. I’ve been so careful with the diet but I feel like I may have been giving too much forage ? I don’t give pellets anymore , low to moderate calcium veg, filtered water, I soak the veg in the water.