Started With 3 Piggies, And Found Out That I'm Probably Going To Have More

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 30, 2015
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I think that it's funny how pet store owners think that they know more than you do. I made the bad decision to adopt from a pet store (ironically they made me sign adoption papers to take my girls home). I was in the store to buy food. She asked me, how my piggy girls were (thought it was sweet that she remembered me). I showed her a picture of them. And told her what was up. And how I was going to take her to a vet. Considering how I talked to a friend (that I just made) after I got my girls. And they ended up telling me that they thought she had mites. The pet shop lady acted like she knew more than I did, "oh no that's not mites that's ringworm". I could see if she had training or specialized only in guinea pigs. But the store was too crowded with supplies. And it was the very lady that assured me that no males were around them. Or even in the store. Let alone denied the guinea pig death statistics during pregnancy/labor . Wow! I have had guinea pigs before. And that was the second time I bought from that store. My first piggies I had since my other 2 died in a fire over 8 years ago (had a hard time getting over their deaths and a friend of a friend offered to give me one a week after they died but it was too soon for me). I mourned their deaths like a member of the family.

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Made your photos bigger for you. :)

First of all I just wanted to say how sorry I am for the loss of your previous piggies, it does hurt when you lose them - they are part of the family and especially hard in such tragic circumstances.

Unfortunately not all pet stores are clued up on piggies. A definite vets visit for your poor little girl - as mites is probable just tagging in @helen105281 as she is really good with piggy skin issues. With the right treatment skin conditions get better very quickly.

What are your girls names?
I am so sorry for your loss of the other piggies xx
It is I'm afraid true that not all pet stores know much :(
All my girls are playing and wheeking and popcorning.
I happened to luck out on finding a good vet in my area. That specializes in guinea pigs. That is hard to come by, as they are few and far between.
Hi, please could you add your location to your profile as it will help me to help you. Am sorry you are in this situation. I'm sorry for your loss too.

It could potentially be mange mites, especially as they tend to flare up at times of stress. Only the vet can diagnose though and they will be able to advise you what products are suitable for a pregnant pig. I tend to opt for injections for mange mites as they are more effective.

Fungal is also a possibility, here is our Ringworm guide in case you need it, however there are lots of different types of fungal, not just Ringworm. My preferred treatment for fungal is Imaverol (Enilconazole) dips which are suitable for baby pigs but again I am not sure about pregnant ones.
I'm leaning towards mites (cause she's not red scabbing up). But I haven't seen anything on her. She was scratching and some hair loss. Maybe the girls were fighting and pulling her hair (cause she seems to be the only one affected).

Edited to add that I have a vet appointment for Friday the soonest after I have money.

Edited to add also that no one even for an emergency would see you without the money up front.
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Thanks, and now I am more attached than ever to my candy piggies hahaha. And hopefully the new ones will be born alive. I had another piggy before them when I was a teenager. Despite treatment and everything after the birth of 3 big stillborns. Ended up dying shortly thereafter. So hopefully these will be my good luck piggies.
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